Chinese Hypersonic Developments (HGVs/HCMs)


Junior Member
Yes and No, and I hope that I ws not misleading. Indeed I suggested it to be a CJ-1 / Wing Loong without its wings ... but this has been proven wrong by "hmmwv". The CH-4/-5 was never mentioned by me.

Yes, but sadly I lost a bit contact last years ... by the way he also posts sometimes as "Peter Pan" !


Ok, that's a little misunderstanding. I thought if you mention something then it must be real.

Anyway, Bai Wei call this the DHL aka Big Black Dragon. If this unmanned aircraft really have anything to do with the word big then it definitely can not attach to H-6. But of course we don't know if his artwork is correct or even close to the real thing at this time. :)205416wyzpscw2xv0h8c0f.jpg


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The problem with Bai Wei's latest artworks is that due to his deep insight into earlier projects like the J-9 - J-13 series and even more by his artistic professionalism, many think that all this latest "What-ifs" like that new combat chopper must be real too ...



Lieutenant General
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Hey ... just go back and take a look ! This image was already posted a few days ago also in other treads.

Even more it simply cannot be related to this super-secret hypersonic vehicle ... or whould You stand such a sophisticated thig just on the tarmac of a more or less public visible iarport, under sun and rain, day and night and even more under the eyes of sattelites ?

Even if I do not know what it is ... it is NEVER a hypersonic testbed !



Tyrant King
As a rule one must be careful when using satellite photos to base intelligence on. The US, Russia, The PRC,UK, UK, Germany, Japan, France, and a number of other countries are all well capable of timing and mapping the orbit of spy satellites that pass overhead and the ground crews are often notified to clear the tarmac of any special projects in advance of such.
There are stories from the US constant peg program that the pilots and air crews would often prank Russian photo analyst by laying down objects on the roof of hangers spelling out various Russian curses or placing the nose of a aircraft out one side of a hanger and the tail of another out the back in perfect alignment so it appeared to be over a hundred foot long jet.
But along with the jokes the ground crews were taking steps to ensure that the F117 and USAF Migs were not visible from space.
One must assume the same thing here.
If that mystery object is there its there by design. Either the PLAAF is decoying with a mock up, or is announcing its existence.

Samurai pointed out the bent nose on another fighter aircraft. That could be a jet with its nose cone open being repaired a visual distortion or evidence that its not a real jet but a decoy.
In the First Gulf war and WW2 the US used inflatable decoys and jets made from tents to fool enemy intelligence. Its cheap and readily available tech. Seeing is not always truth.


Lieutenant General
Examining the photo closely you'll find the planes in the right bottom corner built with clay or something with the nose bent like someone squished it. LoL

Seriously? :rolleyes:

Please take a closer look yourself.

It is painfully obvious that the plane in question is just parked over a patch of darker concrete (maybe a piece of cloth cover was left on the ground under the nose, or there is a puddle there, or any one of dozens of perfectly plausible explanations), thus creating the optical illusion of a bent nose.

That sort of thing happens all the time when looking at pictures, but its the first time I have heard someone offer up such a silly explanation.