Let's talk specifics: Philippines taking China to the International Court, and China opting out of it;I think every single one of us knows what it means to respect and trust some one. It does not even have to be written down.
That's the universal standard I am talking bout.
Why is China being singled out for using the same international law process to its advantage? What level of hypocrisy does it take for other nations to tell China it may use only sections of international law they say to use, and not sections that benefits it? Is that the price of international respect? If so, then is it any wonder few nations willingly carry that cross?
Respect also requires fairness and justice. It's unjust to tell one party it must yield in the name of goodness, while the other party get a pass. This whole SCS troubles started with passage of UNCLOS, but China is being blamed for all the ills, while smaller claimants like Philippines and Vietnam get passes for lighting the fuse. No justice= no respect; it's a two-way street.Sadly, there are very few individuals, or administrations in any country that can garner that type of respect amongst whole people's...but that is, nonetheless, what's necessary.
True, and we see problem in the US with endless droning of slavery. But, unlike victims of America's original sin, some of the victims of WWII atrocities are still alive, and they deserve justice. So, the issue isn't dead and buried, not by a long shot.Endlessly referring to breaches of trust in the past, are as I said, something every single nation can do ad nausium...because no hands are completely clean historically. All that does is lead to reasons not to trust or have meaningful dialog.
Agreed.As I also said, leaders need to be wary, and the need to verify what they are being told...but that process, willing to honestly engage, while remaining wary and verifying, is how trust is established and how meaningful, and potentially long lasting relationships are forged.
There are no shortcuts to producing those results.