The US and China are the major powers in the Pacific...but other strong nations like Australia, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, etc., etc. cannot, and must not be treated as weaklings that have no say. In truth, no nation should be who is willing to engage in any dialog at all.
Let's start with the premise Pacific nations, regardless of size or strength shouldn't be excluded from 'having a say' in Asian affairs, and I'm not dismissing said nations with my US-China 'primus inter pares' comments. Most geopolitical pundits say China-US relations is the most important bilateral relationship in at least the front half of the 21st Century, and if the two get along famously, then the entire world will benefit; if the two continue down the path of greater and greater strategic rivalry, then the entire world would suffer. In the long-run, there could be four Great Powers leading Asia, US, China, Japan, and India, and a possible fifth in Indonesia, if it ever get its act together. US and China need to set the pace and pave the road, because unless and until US and China accept each other as equals, then conditions would not be favorable to long-term peace and stability in Asia.
The bottom line is the US must accept China as an equal, and China must accept strong and continued American presence in Asia. The US is a Pacific nation and efforts by China to push the US out of Asia is unproductive and unacceptable by America and by most Asian countries.