Chinese Geopolitics

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Senior Member
Show some real contrition and both sides can put the matter behind us. Take Germany as an example of how a civilized nation apologizes for unspeakable evil and war crimes, and the Chinese, Korean, and Japanese peoples may embrace forgiveness together.
Oh no, here comes German-Japan comparision. There's nothing to compare so just cut it out.


Speaking of geopolitics, why does Tokyo persist in repeating that far fetched claim the Dokdos?

It's by far the weakest of Japan's territorial disputes, since you can't credibly that the Dokdos were terra nulius in 1904 (unless the Koreans were somehow incapable of climbing trees on Ulleung Do).

The Asan Institute survey from March this year shows that even among the most Japanese friendly South Koreans, Dokdo is by far the greatest obstacle to Korean-Japanese cooperation.

Well you can't see Takeshima from Ulleung Do unless you climb to the peak and have a 500mm lens on a clear day.
Don't think they had those in 1905.


Well Josh, Diaoyu wasn't specifically named in the Treaty of Shiminiseki, and japan annexed China's island after its signing. China objected to the act, saying it was extraneous to the treaty, but Japan said Diaoyu was implied in handover of Taiwan. Bottom line is Diaoyu was illegally taken by force, and there can be no peace between China and japan until it's returned.

Documented evidence to support you argument please.


Oh no, here comes German-Japan comparision. There's nothing to compare so just cut it out.

What a thoughtless statement. Kindly think things over and try again, starting with how Germans and Japanese teach their young about their conducts in wartime, and conclude with the fact most Germans are ashamed of their Nazi forefathers, while the Japanese glorify their war criminals.


Abe continues to talk out both sides of his mouth and wants a "leadership summit" at the upcoming APEC meeting. China already made it plain sovereignty negotiations can only proceed if Japan backs off its "no dispute" stance, Abe's call for a summit is more for political cover than anything else.

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Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on July 14 he wanted to hold a summit with China at the APEC leaders meeting in Beijing in November to improve relations strained by territorial and security issues, but drew a cool response from China.

Abe has been in office since late 2012 and has yet to meet Chinese leaders, despite worsening ties over disputed islands in the East China Sea, China's declaration of an air defense identification zone in the area and Abe's visits to a Tokyo shrine seen as a symbol of Japan's past militarism.

"It is a great pity that we have not been able to have a leaders' summit," Abe told a parliamentary committee.

"We need to return to the basics of a strategic relationship of mutual respect. I would like to have a summit in Beijing this November at the time of the APEC meeting," he said, referring to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum annual summit.

China's Foreign Ministry said it had expressed its view on the issue many times already, though stopped short of outright rejecting the request.

"The Japanese side should take real steps and work hard to banish the political obstacles which affect the development of bilateral ties," it said in a statement faxed to Reuters.

Abe also touched on the strong economic ties between the two nations and said that their relationship was unbreakable.

"While recognizing that even if our ties are strained, they cannot be broken, there will be problems between neighbors. For this very reason we need to maintain a relationship that keeps things under control," he said, repeating that the door for dialogue with China was always open.

Japan has been locked in a territorial dispute with China over a group of East China Sea islets, known as the Senkaku in Japan and the Diaoyu in China. Ships from both countries frequently shadow each other around the islands, raising fears of a clash.

Tensions escalated after China declared its air defense zone in the area in November, a move that also sparked concern from the United States and South Korea.

Abe's visit a month later to Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine, seen as a symbol of militarism because war criminals convicted by an Allied tribunal are honored there along with war dead, infuriated China and even drew criticism from the United States.


Junior Member
China initiative and opportunity to become one of the founding members of a new AIIB. Some of the 4 trillion reserves can be put to work, generating more economic development across Asia. This somewhat will spread China soft power and other nations around Asia can have alternative to obtain funds to develop and protect themselves in terms of crisis or capital flight. The one time US banker, China now might want to have its own institution that it may lead. Invitation sent to Japan, but looks like Japan not joining...

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This time around, the initiative is led by China, whose economic power and financial influence are much greater than they were in 1997-1998. The country is ready to lead by example when it comes to financial...

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On a more global scale, BRIC bank is forming up...fed up with the IMF/World Bank not giving them more representation due to their more robust economies, BRICs are making up a New Development again, those cannot borrow from the US led institution IMF can borrow from the NDB (New Development Bank).

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The countries are looking to set up a development bank to finance infrastructure projects as well as a reserve fund to fend off currency and balance of payments crises.


Well you can't see Takeshima from Ulleung Do unless you climb to the peak and have a 500mm lens on a clear day.
Don't think they had those in 1905.

Actually, no.

Ulleung Do has a height of 984 meters. The highest features on the Dokdo is 169 meters.

Some rough calculations show that visual line of sight from 984 meters is 112 kilometers.

The distance between Dokdo-Ulleung Do is 87 kilometers. Given how large the islands are (from north to south, the West Island is about 300 meters across), you can easily make them out on a clear day from that elevation.


Junior Member
Up and coming developing nations can have more sources of funding, building up huge infrastructures projects, developing railways, transportation corridor of goods, generating more economic activities and growth and jobs. Who knows, Philippines disaster reconstructions, Japan Fukushima rebuilding or even US itself can borrow from these banks to expand their military adventures and not cutting down personnel or tightening their belt....make hay while the sun still shine...


Nope there is no mention of Senkaku in the Shimonoseki peace treaty.
Try again.

Japanese agreement to Article 8 of Potsdam, you can try all you want.

I agree with Blackstone, your responses have been sliding into troll mode as they offer nothing substantial to discuss anymore.


Junior Member
China expanding naval influence, now Greece propose joint patrol PLAN with Greek more option for Chinese navy port of call

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Crete could serve as a regional node for the support, maintenance and repair of the Chinese Navy and the possibility exists for joint naval operations between Greece and China’s People's Liberation Army Navy, the prime minister told the visiting Chinese president on Rhodes on Sunday.

"On Crete there is all the appropriate infrastructure for refuelling, maintenance and repairs for all your country’s navy units. There is a possibility of cooperation, for example, in joint patrols of war ships. And another example, in the area of fighting piracy, where the interests of our two peoples coincide," Antonis Samaras told Xi Jinping.
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