Chinese Geopolitics

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You know, how strange, once before Japan attack Australia for their quest for raw materials then a US deputy sheriff, and now can do it legitimately buying up Rio Tinto. Eating dolphins and whales have no issue with Australian as long Tony Abbott likes Abe sushi lol , shark fins are off the menu at the moment...

Politics make strange bedfellows. Abbott has willfully embraced Japan's anti-China confederation, but he doesn't seem to believe it would negatively affect relations with China. He's either irrational or talking out both sides of his mouth, and I honestly don't know which.


New Member
Abbott needs to remember it's not the Chinese but the Japanese directlly killed 17,000 Austrialial soldiers in WW2; It's not the

Chinese but the Japanese bombed Austialial cities in WW2;Final if not the last,thousands of US,Britain,Aussie,Chinese war

prisoner were tortured to death by the Japanese in WW2. It will be quite strange for me that Puttin told the German president

that how the Nazi German soldiers in WW2 impressed him for their 'brave' to kill the Russians.Lol.


Abbott needs to remember it's not the Chinese but the Japanese directlly killed 17,000 Austrialial soldiers in WW2; It's not the

Chinese but the Japanese bombed Austialial cities in WW2;Final if not the last,thousands of US,Britain,Aussie,Chinese war

prisoner were tortured to death by the Japanese in WW2. It will be quite strange for me that Puttin told the German president

that how the Nazi German soldiers in WW2 impressed him for their 'brave' to kill the Russians.Lol.

Yeah, his reply would probably be, it's 70 years in the past and Japan had not killed a single soul from then, the one who did were given punishment as well as Japan as a nation. The present Japanese citizen has nothing to do with it.
Long story short we got over it and suggest you people to get over it as well.


And we are back to square one with no documented evidence to support one's words.
It's getting stale, provide proof that it was taken by force since you can find various documents verifying my point that the Imperial Japanese government had done it's finding that Senkaku isles were Terra nullius and claimed as her sovereign territory and was affirmed again after WW2 with the SF peace treaty.

Any questions?

Diaoyu was "annexed" during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, firm proof of aggression. But denial has always been the problem. Your evidence is just as stale when you keep selecting treaties and ignoring others - 1978 China-Japan treaty supersedes SF peace treaty. This selective rationale is why Japan continues to have disputes with all, not some, all of her immediate neighbors.


Diaoyu was "annexed" during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, firm proof of aggression. But denial has always been the problem. Your evidence is just as stale when you keep selecting treaties and ignoring others - 1978 China-Japan treaty supersedes SF peace treaty. This selective rationale is why Japan continues to have disputes with all, not some, all of her immediate neighbors.

Nope there is no mention of Senkaku in the Shimonoseki peace treaty.
Try again.


And again back with NO MEAT.LoL

It's obvious you're not a man or woman of your word, since you agreed to a civil debate and your actions are the opposite. It's very difficult to take one such as you seriously, but come back when you have control of your manners and we may continue our debate.


Junior Member
SamuraiBlue, Utter nonsense!

Yeah, his reply would probably be, it's 70 years in the past and Japan had not killed a single soul from then,

Yes, for 2 forced reasons which have nothing to do with Japan, or more accurately the overwelming Japnese far right politicians and their voters:

1. Japan has been under US military occupation since post WW2 and tied up ny Japan's once Pacifist no-war Consititution . No sane people would and could still kill others under this situation.

2. it is not a logical reason per se to induct that Japan will not do so in the near future, particularly under the current Abe regime which i) whitewash history - completely deny that they "killed people" even previously. and ii). just tried their utmost to have ditched ( or "reinterpreted") Japan's Pacificist Constitution which ensured that Japan couldn't kill any people in the last 70 years in the first place.

the one who did were given punishment as well as Japan as a nation.

Wrong. In reality, Japan hasn't been punished at all due to WW2, but rewarded hanesomely instead, to such an extend that one can cliam that Japan, being geographically larger and economically more prosperious immidiately post WW2, was de facto a "winner" of the WW2.

Even Abe himselve publicly admitted so in his recent visit to Papua New Guinea where he sent flowers to the tomb of Japanese soilders there and thanked them for "without the contribution of these soilders, Japan wouldn't have had today's prosperity".

Japan was supposed to be punished by the allies post ww2, yet 1 thing changed the history which is the victory of Mao in China mainland. China turning Communist made the US readjusted its geoppolitical interests in which the old ally China suddenly became an enermy whereas the old enermy Japan becoming a useful frontline vassel state to contain China.

From there most Japanese war criminals were set free ( including Abe's grandfather) and Japan's economy was not punished but hugely benefitted instead by

i) being the logistics base supplying US troops for the following Korean War ( huge amount of war $$$ infusion) and

ii) being allowed freely accessing the world's biggest market at the time - the US and later on Europe and the rest of world market. This paved the very foundation for Japan's post ww2 quick recovery - hence 1980-1990 "Japanese Economic Miracle". In fact Japan was USA's "China" from 1950s till 1970s.

None of above could be achieved so easily so qucikly had Mao lost Chinese Civil War. In that case, japan would have been punished by the allies - both the US and China together. China's economy , instead of Japan's, would have been on top instead.

Indeed the coincience that Mao won the Chinese Civil War changed the course of history and ultimately saved the loser Japan. Ironically if want to show ThankYou, Abe should have sent a wholehearted salud to Mao instead of his Shrine.

The present Japanese citizen has nothing to do with it.

About 1/3 to 1/2 Japanese voters strongly support Abe still this day. Abe's key policy is to re-intepret Parcific Constitution of Japan by stimulating the deflated downhilling japanese economy through the follow-on rearmment of Japanese Army and weapon export with huge military industrial complex build-up - no price for guessing which genius gave hime the idea though. Polls show that about 1/3 to 1/2 present day Japanese citizans still have very much to do with it. Hard to imagine 1/3 to 1/2 of present day Germans are still publicly endorse Hitler and his nazi re-armment policies.

Long story short we got over it and suggest you people to get over it as well.

Short story longer , there're intelligent people know their history, there're intelligent people but ignorant, there are avg ppl but know history, there're avg ppl but ignorant, there're intellectually-challenged ppl but know their history, there're intellectually-challenged ppl and ignorant, then we have so-called "we" who supposed "got over it" . rofl.

History is bound to repeat itself if not reflected properly. The irony is that Abe can propagate "China threat" and "China this or that", but the recent history shows that the single biggest risk posed for peace-loving people aound the world, including those in China, AND in USA, AND in Abbott's Australia, is Militarism Abe regime of Japan: For the 1st time after WW2, the US has "delibarately" lost control of Japan, by the low IQ Obama administration & associated thinktanks, wishing that somehow mad dog of Militarism Japan could help contain China. Yes, it might help a little, but Abe won't stop there.

Yet Japan & Abe are not low-IQ neither ignorant in closed door. Knowing their own history well and deep, they know full well that 1st and foremost real enermy of Milirarism Japan is NOT China that they took as a mere red-herring for bargaining, but the US. If you think that the sweet revenge one day of the ultimate shame of being nuked, being nuked twice, is not for any minute in the psych of Abe & the Associates, then you are clueless about far right Japanese and their culture. Hey, China after all didn't nuke Japan. I suppose you know who did. ROFL.
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Yeah, his reply would probably be, it's 70 years in the past and Japan had not killed a single soul from then, the one who did were given punishment as well as Japan as a nation. The present Japanese citizen has nothing to do with it.
Long story short we got over it and suggest you people to get over it as well.

Show some real contrition and both sides can put the matter behind us. Take Germany as an example of how a civilized nation apologizes for unspeakable evil and war crimes, and the Chinese, Korean, and Japanese peoples may embrace forgiveness together.


Diaoyu was "annexed" during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, firm proof of aggression. But denial has always been the problem. Your evidence is just as stale when you keep selecting treaties and ignoring others - 1978 China-Japan treaty supersedes SF peace treaty. This selective rationale is why Japan continues to have disputes with all, not some, all of her immediate neighbors.

Well Josh, Diaoyu wasn't specifically named in the Treaty of Shiminiseki, and japan annexed China's island after its signing. China objected to the act, saying it was extraneous to the treaty, but Japan said Diaoyu was implied in handover of Taiwan. Bottom line is Diaoyu was illegally taken by force, and there can be no peace between China and japan until it's returned.


Speaking of geopolitics, why does Tokyo persist in repeating that far fetched claim the Dokdos?

It's by far the weakest of Japan's territorial disputes, since you can't credibly that the Dokdos were terra nulius in 1904 (unless the Koreans were somehow incapable of climbing trees on Ulleung Do).

The Asan Institute survey from March this year shows that even among the most Japanese friendly South Koreans, Dokdo is by far the greatest obstacle to Korean-Japanese cooperation.
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