Nuke Cannon?
Actually China fielded some already, and sometimes even arm it with neutron shells.
You do aware that EA PSed some American Nuke cannon testing photo, and say this is Chinese, right?
rhino123 provided us a good genuine wiki link to the genuine photo.
Aside from the free-and-easy topic of C&C, China tested but never actually "fielded" any Nuke Cannon even at the crazy days of mankind (aka, cold-war) for high-yield nukes are more prefered than only-good-for-looking cannon based ones. And the wiki source above, as it states "
nowadays... China... maybe...still using nuclear artillery as an alternative method ...." that proves we the military savvy people are not its intented audience.
Nevertheless, the thread go de-rail from #13, to the topic, IMO gatling style systems are a good looking alternative, only when supply is not a concern, in urban warfare.
If you ask me to choose between platform-mounted 7.62mm gatling gun like #1 post picture, or same platform-mounted 14.5mm "normal" gun, I would prefer later one. To provide support in urban warfare, 14.5mm gun is better for brick-penetration and more versatile choice of munition (incinerate, frag, AP...) - that is if I choose at all. - For I know, TG prefers mortar and RPG all the time.