Banned Idiot
Comparing the 2 Z-8 cockpits
Military Z-8 Cockpit
AC313 Cockpit
the military one looks a lot cleaner to be frank
Comparing the 2 Z-8 cockpits
Military Z-8 Cockpit
AC313 Cockpit
the military one looks a lot cleaner to be frank
I'd go for the AC313, less clutter thanks to the MFDs.
it says that AC313 made the first flight this year on March 18th. It says that AC313 has successfully conquered the high altitude terrains of Tibet-Qinghai. It says that Changhe has achieved the capability of mass producing Z-8 and has also started low rate production of an important model (AC313?) and took half a year to re-establish the production of Z-11, delivering 12.虎年岁末,中航工业昌飞全面超额完成各项科研生产经营任务,全年完成了各型直升机铆装、生产交付的超常规生产任务,交付数量实现历史性重大突破,销售收入、利润总额再创历史新高。
3月18日,首架国产民用大型直升机AC313在昌飞向世人揭开了神秘的面纱。AC313的横空出世和实现首飞,不仅填补了我国大型民用直升机研制的空白,而且使中国和美、欧、俄一样具备自主研制大型直升机的能力。AC313还成功挑战“世界屋脊”青藏高原,创造了中国直升机的多项飞行纪录。(通讯员 崔连君)
an article on Z-8 production for this year
it says that AC313 made the first flight this year on March 18th. It says that AC313 has successfully conquered the high altitude terrains of Tibet-Qinghai. It says that Changhe has achieved the capability of mass producing Z-8 and has also started low rate production of an important model (AC313?) and took half a year to re-establish the production of Z-11, delivering 12.
For Z-8 this year, a particular variant made first flight and joined service. The PLAAF variant of Z-8 was established and sent to hong kong (I think Z-8KH) to serve. The firefighting variant of Z-8 was also delivered. A particular variant was deployed to Aden to fight piracy and also worked with the 866 hospital ship in its missions.
this is basically talking about Z-8F recently joining as LH-958xx. Although its engines are still the less capable WZ-6 variants, it should've adapted much of the upgraded avionics and MMI of AC-313.全电脑化操控,具备多手段导航和复杂环境监控能力
解放军报南京2月21日电 记者欧阳浩、特约通讯员李定奖报道:2月中旬,记者从南京军区某陆航团获悉,我军某新型运输直升机首批列装部队后成功实施首飞。
Russia Participating in All Helicopter Tenders in India and Remains on Short List for Four of Them
Russia is participating in all helicopter tenders in India and has been left on short list for four of them, the general directory of the Vertolety Rossii ((Helicopters of Russia)) holding company, Dmitriy Petrov, reported, ARMS-TASS states.
According to him, Vertolety Rossii has remained on the tender “short list” with the Ka-226T for the delivery of 197 lightweight helicopters (together with Eurocopter), on the tender “short list” for the supply of 22 strike helicopters with the Mi-28N (together with the AH-64D “Apache Longbow manufactured by Boeing) and on the tender “short list” for the delivery of a ultra-heavy helicopters with the Mi-26T2 (together with the CH-47 “Chinook” manufactured by Boeing.
Moreover, Russia has continued participation in India’s defense ministry tender for the upgrade of 108 Mi-17 for the Indian army and 15 Ka-28 for that country’s navy.
Petrov also reported that delivery is continuing of 32 Mi-171 helicopters for China’s defense ministry and, as payment toward the state debt, 30 Ka-3211VS for that country’s ministry of emergency situations. Other contracts are being looked at, the general director added.
Source: 19.05.11, Avia.RU