I though WS-21 already in service for years? what's the different between this version and the one they use for FC-31?The person who posted this mentioned it is ws21.
I though WS-21 already in service for years? what's the different between this version and the one they use for FC-31?The person who posted this mentioned it is ws21.
Probably not "in service" per se but "finished development" or "very mature" since no PLA jets in FOC service use the WS-13 series. The JF-17 does, but it's technically not the PLA + it's just the base WS-13.I though WS-21 already in service for years? what's the different between this version and the one they use for FC-31?
What's the intended user for WS-21? Export version of FC-31? New engine for JF-17?Probably not "in service" per se but "finished development" or "very mature" since no PLA jets in FOC service use the WS-13 series. The JF-17 does, but it's technically not the PLA + it's just the base WS-13.
IIRC the WS-13E was actually pretty old and was installed on the FC-31V2s. The WS-21 to the WS-13E is basically the WS-10C to the WS-10B.
Yes and maybe. No way they're exporting the WS-19, plus the WS-21 is a fairly mature product. I'm not sure about its compatibility with the JF-17 though.What's the intended user for WS-21? Export version of FC-31? New engine for JF-17?
Arrange and deploy the pre-production finalization work of ws-21 in 2025
2025年01月16日 23:58 贵州
1月15日,公司召开 2024年度预生产定型总结暨表彰大会。公司董事长、党委书记刘辉,总经理、党委副书记冯晗出席会议并讲话,副总经理、首席信息官张鹏飞,专务李玉林出席会议。公司总工程师、副总经理夏峥嵘主持会议。有关战略合作单位、公司项目经理、各单位领导及联络员参加会议。
会上,总结汇报了2024 年度预生产定型工作,回顾了取得的工作成效、存在的问题,并安排部署2025 年预生产定型工作;表彰了2024年预生产定型工作6个先进单位和十佳团队、十佳成果、十佳个人;检阅了各生产厂2024年度预生产定型成果。
its WS-19 EngineI though WS-21 already in service for years? what's the different between this version and the one they use for FC-31?
Which is who, and posted where?
Well, it's Chinese Quora.Hswz of zhihu. Unfortunately I don't know how to post the link from zhihu app.
Nvm. Here the link
yes. they didn't mention any Engine model name.. it is the Author himself, he mentioned WS-21 engines.. hmmWell, it's Chinese Quora.
Besides, it sounds like the model was extrapolated. Nowhere did the text mention WS-21.
...with yaw control, too. I don't think I've seen a 2D TVC design with that ability (disregarding the canted ones on the Su-57).A from AECC on a 2D thrust-vectoring spherical convergent flap nozzle.