Chinese Engine Development


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I though WS-21 already in service for years? what's the different between this version and the one they use for FC-31?
Probably not "in service" per se but "finished development" or "very mature" since no PLA jets in FOC service use the WS-13 series. The JF-17 does, but it's technically not the PLA + it's just the base WS-13.

IIRC the WS-13E was actually pretty old and was installed on the FC-31V2s. The WS-21 to the WS-13E is basically the WS-10C to the WS-10B.


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Probably not "in service" per se but "finished development" or "very mature" since no PLA jets in FOC service use the WS-13 series. The JF-17 does, but it's technically not the PLA + it's just the base WS-13.

IIRC the WS-13E was actually pretty old and was installed on the FC-31V2s. The WS-21 to the WS-13E is basically the WS-10C to the WS-10B.
What's the intended user for WS-21? Export version of FC-31? New engine for JF-17?


Registered Member
Arrange and deploy the pre-production finalization work of ws-21 in 2025



2025年01月16日 23:58 贵州

1月15日,公司召开 2024年度预生产定型总结暨表彰大会。公司董事长、党委书记刘辉,总经理、党委副书记冯晗出席会议并讲话,副总经理、首席信息官张鹏飞,专务李玉林出席会议。公司总工程师、副总经理夏峥嵘主持会议。有关战略合作单位、公司项目经理、各单位领导及联络员参加会议。

会上,总结汇报了2024 年度预生产定型工作,回顾了取得的工作成效、存在的问题,并安排部署2025 年预生产定型工作;表彰了2024年预生产定型工作6个先进单位和十佳团队、十佳成果、十佳个人;检阅了各生产厂2024年度预生产定型成果。
I though WS-21 already in service for years? what's the different between this version and the one they use for FC-31?
its WS-19 Engine
its WS-19 Engine

don't need to confuse.

WS-21 has long passed this pre-production stage and already in production. where it is used on J-35 and J-35A.

in 2022, 10th Annual China Aerospace propulsion technology forum, chief designer of WS-19, first time confirmed the existence of WS-21 and used in J-35 fighter jet.

AECC 2025 new year speech on Weibo, they have confirmed, J-35A have Chinese heart.
2025 new year wish.jpg

WS-21 basically passed that pre-production stage long ago.. so it is definitely related with WS-19 engine since Guizhou/Guiyang is the responsible of WS-19 development.


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