during the 2006 zhuhai airshow,Liming (?) reported a new 95KN engine under develop .designate as WS-14. it is strongly believe that the mock up ,and equally mysterious engine seen at the 2008 Zhuhai airshow may be (may be) the WS-14.her inlet fan engine was obvious influence by RD-33/93
higher thrust variant of WS-10 also being develop,name WS-10D,max.thrust to 155KN
WS-13,clone copy of RD-93 took her first flight on october,2005...
The above is inaccurate.
the configuration of the 9500kgf thrust class turbofan consists of a 3-stage Fan without VIGV ,a 7-stage HPC ,each driven by a single stage turbine, a single annular combustor,a radial augmentor ,an AVEN nozzle and FADEC system.
this engine is derived from a base core developed by CGTE(No.624 institute) with a corrected airflow of 19kg/s class,T4~1650K and ∏hpc~7...
WS-12 program was terminated in 1999 due to lack of funding. this engine was derived from a base core having a corrected flow of about 15kg/s .
the picture below is displaying a series of core engines with the inlet corrected airflows in the range of 5kg/s to 30kg/s .
left to right:
5kg/s(WS-500,700kgf engine...),15kg/s(12A core),20kg/s(WS-13 derivative core),30kg/s(WS-15--T/W ratio 10)
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