I don't think the WS-10a is a copy, I just think Western sources assume China copies everything.
Is this photo not a J-11B?
The nozzels on this craft do not look like WS-10a. Perhaps initial J-11B's used AL-31F? Or just early J-11B prototypes?
The different exhaust hues of the 2 engine types are solid proof of them not being a copy of each other. It would be interesting to hear the explanations of the copy "theorist" with regard to the different exhaust hues! (Reference --> Picture of the J-11 engine testbed in flight)
"The nozzels on this craft do not look like WS-10a. Perhaps initial J-11B's used AL-31F? Or just early J-11B prototypes"
Is it possible the nozzle is darkened only (through some manufacturing process) for the purpose of camouflage in the way of reducing reflection? This wouldn't be necessary during the testing phase.
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