sure, another 50 years.
The Y-20 has already been tested with the WS-20, ....
How much of it can we believe?
Here's the most interesting parts of the article translated by myself.
it was claimed that the WS-15 would finish flight testing in 2014 while the WS-10G would have its first flight in 2015; the CJ-1000A will have its first flight in 2016, an “Aerospace” engine will be first installed in 2016, and that a fifth generation turbofan with a thrust ratio of 15 will have its core components finished in 2016.
I think you got a translation problem, it didn't say the ws-15 would finish flight testing in 2014, it said the "验证机“ of the ws-15 would finish its test. "验证机“(I don't know the english word for it), is not even a prototype, before you build a prototype, you build a "验证机“ to test the basic design concept.
Maybe it's the engine's core, which was already reported to be under test ! ... as such it would fit.
Anyway ... all hopes to see a WS-15-powered J-20 soon or hopes that it is already under test are pure dreams ... nice dreams, but dreams (for a few years to come).