Chinese Engine Development


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Any source for that ??? ... As far as I know the WS-10A was built to nearly the same dimensions to fit both the Flanker's and the J-10's engine bay !

Deino :confused:

the Diameter of the TaiHang's intake is approximately 950mm for more airflow (total mass flow rate : ~120kg/s at SLS) ,and Its diffuser frame is slightly bigger than АЛ-31Ф's ,etc
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The above article mainly talks about how WS-10A has helped China in other projects and such. In terms of developing gas turbines (QC-70 and QC-185) + developing turbofan engine for transports. I think they are basically just description WS-10A as a major success here.

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This is kind of exciting, just talks about plaaf reps coming to shenyang liming overlooking the development of the improved Taihang engine. And that, this engine is currently on the testbed.

Just a little bit more translation on this article. It says that pilot really have strong faith and happiness toward Taihang engine, it's a good basis for development of all sorts of future military and civilian engines. While it states the need to be more reliable, it cannot sacrifice on the performance.

Also, there are some rumours of China co-producing AL-222-25F


Junior Member
I recall WS-10A was only declared certified in early 2007. Why is it all these other technologies (like gas turbine) based on the WS-10A development has appeared already.

My explanation is that all these technologies were actually overlapping to a great extent.

That's a reasonable explanation. Another factor is likely the very long certification process for aircraft engines.

You can have the design of the engine basically finished, but still have several years of certification work (and small changes to fix reliability problems) ahead. In the meantime, the engine might be perfectly useable as a gas turbine, that doesn't have the same strict certification or reliability requirements.

For the engine developer, selling the derivatives as soon as possible can help with recouping the R&D investment quickly. The additional investment required to create a gas turbine derivative is relatively small, and you can get some cash coming in relatively quickly, while your aircraft engine might still be a few years away from generating revenue.


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Here is a nice timeline of AVIC engines:

Sorry to get your hopes up. But my uploading quota is full, thats cr#p got some good pictures but cant show you guys :( :(
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Lieutenant General
I believe this is the chart.



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  本报讯 中国一航贵州黎阳航空发动机公司完成了2008年第一批交付的发动机生产任务。2月9日农历正月初三,在浓浓的新春佳节气氛中,一航黎阳两批出厂的发动机装车发运部队,放响了新年第一炮。



一航黎阳人在困难面前百折不挠,用钢铁般的意志、坚强的决心和勇气克服一个个困难,攀登一座座高峰。 (龚江敏)
just talks about the first two deliveries for this year by Shenyang Liming, looks like one is for WS-10A and the other is for kunlun.


VIP Professional
WP-14 is Kunlun. I believe earlier models of the J-8F used late versions of the WP-13 but switched to Kunlun WP-14 later.