Chinese electronic surveillance ship

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Overall 9 surveillance ships

1 x Type 815 pennant 851
4 x Type 815G pennants 852-855
4 x Type 815A pennant 856-859

Interesting last 4 units launched in 20 months

1 in 2016
2 in 2017
1 so far in 2018


Junior Member
I wonder if a high speed intelligence ship would be useful.

The USN ships that China needs to shadow could theoretically just dash away with Flank speed.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
I wonder if a high speed intelligence ship would be useful.

The USN ships that China needs to shadow could theoretically just dash away with Flank speed.

From what a F18 super hornet ?

But these type of eavesdropping missions are really important, collecting electronic emissions from American carrier strike groups will be beneficial in hunting them down

USN routinely practice “zero” emissions while in transit by switching off anything that can be switched off but low level of emissions can be detected if your close enough and that Chinese ship is close enough


Registered Member
It looks to me that the Type 815 "855" is actually trying to join in with the ship formation.