I can't explain the same things over and over. There is no transfer in China; there is growth. Europe can do the transfer all night and all day. China just grows so both the rich and poor get richer.
Again, it setting hard upper limit to the growth.
To achieve the same level of living like in the USA China has to increase way more the overall efficiency than the USA - simply because the high investment representing the wealthy share of GDP ,so the consumers has to use the leftover part.
Interesting , there is new data on tradingeconomics.
Household debt to gdp 49.3%.
2.4% growth in 2017 , 5.6% growth in 2016.
The 5.6% debt caused roughly 5% growth in consumption.
You have clearly never worked in a team before. This is so basic, it's insane that I have to explain this to an adult, if you are one. Teams must have leaders, sometimes several layers of leaders analogous to a hierarchy of the ruling elite. I have never seen a team without leadership featuring just 100 people with different opinions arguing with each other and doing their thing before. They will never coordinate themselves to achieve anything.
The brightest of these is called the CEO and he can have 100 or 1000 or 10,000 people working for him. This is how all companies work. And obviously, he needs to understand the main aspects. They do in real life. I never said use someone who doesn't understand the business to be the leader. This concept is so basic that having to explain it is like talking to a child with no experience in the world...
If it's next to impossible for a central government, then it's actually impossible for a mob to achieve this. You have a group of 1,000 opinionated people confused with 1,000 ants. People don't work like that.
Who's we? Most importantly, I have previously laid out that every government in the world uses the ruling elite to command the masses. What is an example of your ideal model? Right now, it looks like you want a country with no leaders and everyone doing their own thing. In your imagination, they will work like ants and achieve a new level of efficiency. If this is what you mean, this is total fantasy land and I'm clearly wasting my time talking to a crazy person.
Interesting, this is the way as a typical Chinese company works?
It explain the inferior performance of the Chinese economy compared to even the eastern European economies.
In the UK there is lower level of hierarchy than say in eastern Europe. I presume in China there is stronger culture of rigid hierarchy than say in Slovakia.
Anyway , if we consider the CCCP, then it had 8 leader , two of them was absolute and unmitigated disaster. Not because they wasn't intelligent, but because Stalin was psycho, Gorbachev was an unrealistic idealist, making as much damage to the population of CCCP like Stalin.
If we take USA and consider it as one of the most successful economy during the 20th century (without considering the geographic advantages) it is still easy to spot the serious deficiencies of the political class.
Starting example with the first world war, if the population had any world they would say NO to the war - and save lot of USA citizen life, and paving the road for higher level of living than now.
And from the last four US president they have Bush ,who started wars that cost few %/year USA GDP, best part due to personal reasons.
If the USA citizens have they word they would say NO for those wars.
And the list is endless, the exception is when there is same useful leader, regardless of the method of choosing.
The USA and Europe has an advantage not because of the elections, but because of the robust legal /governmental systems.
Anyway, other example , the VAT in every country a random number, kept for decades on the same level, and usually same whole number , or easy to calculate number.
Easy to point out that the reason of the tax % is not its optimal value for the economy, but due to the limited capability of lawmakers to assess/change the tax rate with the evolving need of economy.
And we ( mankind ) has now the necessary tools to do mass voting on national level, for negligible cost.
The typical government systems around the world set up for reasonable cost, but now the cost shifted.
It doesn't cost an once per week referendum % points from the GDP.
And I think the mass voting can works for China, over there no political party that interested in the status quo of the gamed elections / corrupt legalisation, and the established referendum culture can avoid Gorbachev or Stalin like disasters.