Well, I suppose that's the last line for people who can't handle the truth. Just say it's all lies. Try to analyse the data any way to make it look like China's failing, but when it's so good that you just can't say black is white anymore, screw it all and say it's all lies! Even if it's good enough for the World Bank and the IMF, it ain't good enough to pass Samurai's stringency test! Haha I know you're not LOLing. You've got a permanent chill down your spine thinking about China's rise and Japan's complete inability to cope. You've got an LOL like a racist skinny teenager "laughing" as he stares down Mike Tyson before their match. Gordon Changing all the stories out there won't impede China's rise but it can maybe fool yourself and create a little bubble for you to make life a little easier for now. As for me, I just look at the big trends. I don't pay attention to stories saying China will collapse or US will collapse or that China will overtake the US in 5 years, etc... I just look at the big trends as commonly accepted by the World Bank, IMF, etc...
When you quote an article to make it look like China wasn't worthy of investment anymore but then it turns out the article actually says that it's frustratingly difficult for Europeans to break into the market, though they're trying very hard, does that article suddenly become a lie too? Oh, and don't pay attention to the World Super-computing competition results that are coming out later this month! Hint: They're gonna be lies (to Samurai) LOLOL