Great Post below on Chinese investment
But I would add the following.
For a lower-income economy, infrastructure investment allows the economy to address basic bottlenecks that prevent economic activity to take place. However, we've seen that this only takes an economy to middle-income status.
But the examples of Japan and Korea have demonstrated that in order to move up the value chain from middle-income to high-income, it requires an economy to develop its own high technology industries. But note that the rest of the economy can still be relatively inefficient and that it can still undertake wasteful infrastructure investment, as per the Japanese and Korean experiences.
On this measure, China is already devoting 2.1% of GDP on R&D spending, which is an exceptionally high figure for a developing country, as everyone else maxes out at half that level.
We've seen the next 5 year plan target an increase to 2.5%, which compares favourably with:
Germany: 2.8%
US: 2.7%
France: 2.2%
UK: 1.7%
Also remember that wasteful investment can actually be seen as a form of consumption.
There are plenty of opportunities to develop domestic component suppliers for OEMs. Think of the capacitors in laptops, composite materials for cars/planes/trains, ball bearings for high speed trains, etc. China needs to makes sure US can't pull a ZTE ever again.