Chinese Economics Thread


Junior Member
Registered Member
How much damage will Li Ka shing's sale of ports cause to China? I see that Chinese media and some officials are criticizing this incident
In the event that Blackrock decides to implement anti-China practices such as the $1.5m surchage on Chinese ships, could China put these ports out of business commercially by redirecting all the Chinese merchant and cargo ships to friendly ports instead? Since China has the world's largest merchant fleet and second largest cargo fleet, surely this would have a large economic impact on Blackrock's ports?


Registered Member
In the event that Blackrock decides to implement anti-China practices such as the $1.5m surchage on Chinese ships, could China put these ports out of business commercially by redirecting all the Chinese merchant and cargo ships to friendly ports instead? Since China has the world's largest merchant fleet and second largest cargo fleet, surely this would have a large economic impact on Blackrock's ports?
China would just hold the profit that Blackrock is supposed to make from the lease in escrow

If you know what Blackrock is, you realize Trump isn't gonna stick his neck out for them. Would be another matter if this was Tesla