The level of consumption is a relative term,not an absolute term. How much consumption is sufficient is relative to production
If you produce more,you should consume more. Doesn't matter how much stuff you already consume, if you cannot absorb your production capacity,you got a problem
If everyone already owns three phones,is that enough?No. because the amount of phones you produced,can only be absorbed if everyone owns five phones.
I'll say one last piece before letting this go.
1) The larger the consumption total of an economy, the larger the industrial production that can be supported.
2) The larger the production, the greater the economy of scale which makes prices competitive.
The sales of cell phones in China is around 1 billion. The US is around a quarter of that.
Chinese companies can survive on the home market that is four times that of the US but the economy of scale created by that huge home market inevitably makes their products much less expensive than those in the US or any other market with a much smaller market. So they take this advantage and export to new markets.
If the home consumption market were low as these Western idiots are telling you then Chinese firms wouldn't be able to reach the economy of scale to make these products competitive in the first place.
Just remember this, EVERYTHING comes from the massive size of China's consumption level. Whether it is smartphones, cars, TVs or semiconductors, it is China consumers buying in multiples of what even the US can afford who are creating the ability for China Inc. to leverage economy of scale for everything under the sun.
There is no such thing as "overcapacity" in business. You build as much as you think you can sell. It is that simple.