Chinese Economics Thread


"The China will be next Japan" narrative spread by the Western presstitude is complete BS. On the contrary, the current economic condition in China is good for industrial profits.

So-called China deflation is good news for profits​

Western media interpret every economic report from China with the bias that China’s economy is collapsing

To gauge price behavior, rather than the overall index number, economists look at so-called “core” consumer price inflation that excludes volatile food and energy prices – except when it comes to China.

“China sinks deeper into deflation as prices fall at fastest rate in 15 years” was CNN’s headline this morning. But the 0.8% January drop in China’s consumer price index reflected a 17% drop in pork prices. Core CPI rose by 0.4% in January. That’s 4.7% core inflation at a compound annual rate – hardly consistent with deflation.
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Electricity consumption Growth in 2023:
China 6.4%
USA minus 1.6%
EU minus 3.2%

Whose growth is real?
Some people attribute all of this growth to China's transition to EVs, but China's crude oil imports also increased by 11% in 2023. China's economy is in a good spot

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Senior Member
Registered Member
"The China will be next Japan" narrative spread by the Western presstitude is complete BS. On the contrary, the current economic condition in China is good for industrial profits.

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They so want China to be like Japan coz ever since WW2 its been the punching bag of America. Its reminds them of when they could actually win.


Registered Member
Dam that one host had like a short circuit or something at the start.
But the guest is correct the Chinese do say what their plans are but if you obfuscate everything with propaganda you won't get it right.
I personally think the interviewer fail to understand that if you want common people to invest in the stock market, not having central bank artificially inflated stock prices usually helps, artificially inflated stocks usually help the small percentage in the top. Price discovery is becoming a rare thing now days. The same goes for the house market, no having central bank artificial inflated housing prices usually help common people, especially young people into buying property and people will go for value and not for pricing. Again price discovery not overpaying for an artificially Central Bank inflated tent because is an investment and not a living place. IMHO.