Chinese Economics Thread


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What? Opinions not allowed?

Alright, I will explain this one time.

This particular thread resulted in many reported complaints over the weekend where moderators have to figure what to do with.

We have 10+ pages of mostly off topic posts here due to two new members causing discussions to completely derail.

I frankly couldn't care less whether their opinion is right or wrong, but they were the catalysts for causing a thread becoming entirely impossible to moderate.

And I do not wish this thread to turn into one of those entirely unreadable threads. You can go back for the past 20 pages and decide for yourself what is the post quality of this thread looking like.

Unless you think I or any other moderator have the time to go through 20 pages of back and forth and figure out what to delete. Or figure out whether a member is "sleepy".

No I have no idea who is "sleepy". But if brand new members only post on this 1 thread and cause huge arguments every time, I'm going to have start handing out suspensions

I hope my message here has gotten across and people will move forward with presenting news rather than just arguing each other.


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Alright, I will explain this one time.

This particular thread resulted in many reported complaints over the weekend where moderators have to figure what to do with.

We have 10+ pages of mostly off topic posts here due to two new members causing discussions to completely derail.

I frankly couldn't care less whether their opinion is right or wrong, but they were the catalysts for causing a thread becoming entirely impossible to moderate.

And I do not wish this thread to turn into one of those entirely unreadable threads. You can go back for the past 20 pages and decide for yourself what is the post quality of this thread looking like.

Unless you think I or any other moderator have the time to go through 20 pages of back and forth and figure out what to delete. Or figure out whether a member is "sleepy".

No I have no idea who is "sleepy". But if brand new members only post on this 1 thread and cause huge arguments every time, I'm going to have start handing out suspensions

I hope my message here has gotten across and people will move forward with presenting news rather than just arguing each other.
Fair enough thanks for explaining.


I asked you; "Why do you think Chinese people went to live in the West". It was rhetorical question. I can answer it for you. The reason why people left China is because China was and to large extent is - "a shithole country" to express myself as Donald Trump. Even today, people are leaving China for better opportunities abroad. Although China´s economy growing and China has taken enormous steps regarding technology - China is not around the corner yet.
It seems that you are quite ignorant of China's recent development, to the extent that I feel we are living in different worlds. First of all, the reason that some Chinese would immigrate is not because China is a "sh*t-hole" country. On the contrary, China is a hyper-competitive country. For example, it's very difficult to get into a first-rate college in China, even if your parents are rich and can donate a lot to the college. This is different from the situation in the US (I don't know about other countries). So immigration is an easy way out. I won't blame them. On the other hand, a lot of Chinese also go to developing countries including Africa to seek better opportunities. Again, it doesn't mean China is a "sh*t-hole" country. Finally, a lot of Americans also want to emigrate, does that mean the US is a "sh*t-hole" country overall, despite the fact that some places in the US are literally "sh*t-holes"?

One third of Americans consider living abroad​

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You are as clueless about China's R&D as your understanding about the rest of China. According to the Nature Index, Chinese academic institutions leads the world overall, as well as in 3 of the 4 scientific fields: chemistry, physical science, and Earth & environmental science.
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According to the most recent data from both the Nature Index and the Nikkei Asian Review, China is the world's top researcher now.

China overtakes United States on contribution to research in Nature Index​

Data on affiliations suggest that authors from China made the largest contribution to high-quality natural-science research in 2022.
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China passes US as world’s top researcher, showing its R&D might​

Rise fueled by heavy spending and growing number of researchers
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In other news:

China outnumbers the U.S. for the first time in this ranking of the world’s ‘best’ universities​

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While we are at it, why don't you go to to take a look of China's infrastructures yourself? Any clowns
who claim that China builds a lot of shoddy infrastructures: while there is no such thing as 100% perfect, the bad ones probably amount to the minutest percentage.
Chinese cities:
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Chinese expressways and highways:
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Chinese high-speed railroads:
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Chinese bridges:
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This article talks about the developments of the technology and industry of renewable energies in China. It concludes by suggesting that China's stock market probably doesn't matter much, which David. P. Goldman agrees.
In China, looking for returns in the financial statements of companies – or even entire industries – is a fool’s errand. It’s all in the externalities. In the number of cities that can now claim first-tier status. In the second-tier cities that are now cooler – in their own funky way – than first-tier cities. In the ~70% of age cohort who will graduate from college this year.
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Lieutenant General
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I really don't know why there are just so many off topic posts here that can't seem to drop topic and are eager for people to get banned. This is a "Chinese Economics Thread". Not a who should be banned thread. Get back to topic or I will have to start giving warnings.


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It seems that you are quite ignorant of China's recent development, to the extent that I feel we are living in different worlds. First of all, the reason that some Chinese would immigrate is not because China is a "sh*t-hole" country. On the contrary, China is a hyper-competitive country. For example, it's very difficult to get into a first-rate college in China, even if your parents are rich and can donate a lot to the college. This is different from the situation in the US (I don't know about other countries). So immigration is an easy way out. I won't blame them. On the other hand, a lot of Chinese also go to developing countries including Africa to seek better opportunities. Again, it doesn't mean China is a "sh*t-hole" country. Finally, a lot of Americans also want to emigrate, does that mean the US is a "sh*t-hole" country overall, despite the fact that some places in the US are literally "sh*t-holes"?

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You are as clueless about China's R&D as your understanding about the rest of China. According to the Nature Index, Chinese academic institutions leads the world overall, as well as in 3 of the 4 scientific fields: chemistry, physical science, and Earth & environmental science.
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According to the most recent data from both the Nature Index and the Nikkei Asian Review, China is the world's top researcher now.

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In other news:

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While we are at it, why don't you go to to take a look of China's infrastructures yourself? Any clowns
who claim that China builds a lot of shoddy infrastructures: while there is no such thing as 100% perfect, the bad ones probably amount to the minutest percentage.
Chinese cities:
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Chinese expressways and highways:
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Chinese high-speed railroads:
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Chinese bridges:
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This article talks about the developments of the technology and industry of renewable energies in China. It concludes by suggesting that China's stock market probably doesn't matter much, which David. P. Goldman agrees.

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Swedes seem to have a bone to pick with Chinese people. They're the third most anti-Chinese country in the world. Not that it matters, since most Chinese people don't know much about that country.


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Using China's official and Chinese state owned banks' dollar reserves to buy stocks is actually one of the best ways to use the cash. It can't be invested in China directly, because that would just make the currency appreciate and create costs in lost exports. It's better to print the money for domestic investments as inflation is very low.

The dollars and euros China holds can be invested in safe assets in friendly countries, but most of these are emerging markets with no more capacity for additional debt. However, buying HK and NY listed shares doesn't directly affect the exchange rate. Foreign investors who want China to fail can get out of the market by selling to the government at a huge loss. Anyone who still believes in China will be rewarded with higher equity prices. Once the market has recovered, the shares can be sold again domestically. This will also be a great opportunity to ensure that the profits of the biggest tech companies in China are paid to domestic equity holders rather than have foreigners take the majority of capital gains


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Who said that China doesn't care about the stock market?

They just don't care to the extent that rent-seekers and Western capital would like them to care.

The stock market was a very positive economic invention overall. Just like capitalism.

But even good things can be done in extremes to become bad things.

Just like how we see today in some other countries.

The world is not black and white, the truth is often in between.