I agree with everything you said, but you seem to be implying that Taiwan is a US ally. Taiwan is a 12-year-old girl who has been kidnapped and "raised" by a 45-year-old pedophile called the United States of America. It is not an ally of the USA.one major point. most of the people usually ignore or they don't know.
USA is the biggest net importer of capital goods excluding aircrafts.. this percentage is on rapid rise.
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USA Tech sanctions only works effectively when entire West , Japan , Taiwan and Korea is on board..
USA is itself heavily dependent on allies for critical components , parts , materials and tools. you talk about Engines/semiconductor being the strongest zone of US. its true but when you jump into depth you will find strange information. for example USA don't have Lithography industry. lets suppose, ASML or NIKON block the sales of Lithography Machine to Intel. what will they do ? nothing they can do
General Electrics and Pratt and Whitney are the top two largest turbofan engine manufacturer in the world. now guess what, their most advanced machines heavily depend on components from Allies. MTU Germany is the backbone of all GE engines. World's most advance F-135 military engine components and parts comes from 12 different countries ..
but USA has some world beater Non-Litho semiconductor equipment companies like KLA/LAM. include EDA providers. this is where USA is the best.
in one vs one situation China can knock off USA easily. i can bet on that... just USA vs China .. no support from allies.
now back to original question.. as @ZeEa5KPul mentioned, USA/West has lead over China coz of century old foundation in Turbofan engine and 4 Decades lead in semiconductor..
but look at now what China has achieved in these two fields.
successfully developed complete ecosystem of Advanced gas turbine industry. WS-15 is one the most advanced military turbofan engine in the world right now..
completed the domestic line of mature semiconductor include complete set of tools. rapidly advancing towards cutting edge..
In next few years, what do you think will happen when all the levers (EVs, Semiconductor ecosystem, COMAC, largest percentage of global patents, etc.) come into play for China.
China will decisively annihilate all western world high tech industries..
China and Russia are allies because they can say no to each other. It pains me to say that us Taiwanese people do not have that option.