Chinese Economics Thread


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Sounds like you want to bring Hukou back. Reality check, the stated policy goal is to reduce and remove Hukou restrictions.
Reality check check, the MPS has stated clearly several times that the largest coastal cities and provincial capitals are an exception to the hukou reform agenda, and that priority in lifting restrictions goes to smaller cities.

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Reality check check, the MPS has stated clearly several times that the largest coastal cities and provincial capitals are an exception to the hukou reform agenda, and that priority in lifting restrictions goes to smaller cities.
Your argument makes as much sense as:

“They are not doing a big bang on prices in 1980s so therefore they will never remove price controls”


Lieutenant General
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China already has their own high-bypass engine and is already one of the leaders in the semiconductor industry. Don't you know?

Yeah. Some people are really behind the times really.
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China at this time probably has about the same semiconductor wafer production capacity as both Japan and the US combined. The only question is when they will pass over Taiwan and South Korea as well. If they haven't already.

Of course this is mostly for older nodes. But Japanese and American production right now isn't any better. China does not control the whole segment including tools, materials, chip designs. Not yet anyway. But they have competitors in basically every single segment.


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The theory, which the expansion of a giant city will finally lead to decreasing economy efficiency, is correct. The point is, do Shanghai reaches the maximum people carrying capacity? Many people think there is a lot potential, compared with other metropolitan area, like Tokyo and Seoul. Industrial Cluster first lead to increasing efficiency, I think we do not reach the summit.
When we talk about several giant cities in China, we don't talk about the same thing. Shanghai is not an isolated city, behind which is what we call Yangtze River delta urban agglomerations, like Suzhou, Nanjing, Ningbo, Wuxi. The economy engine of China. Beijing is an isolated city, has little radiation effect to surrounding areas, like Hebei province. In China, resources distribution is affected by administration orders, this can lead to some long term industry planning, like what we see in semi industry, AI and EV. But sometimes that also lead to inefficient utilization of resource. The government should take good care of the balance.
About the hukou reform, I will say the limit in giant city is also reduced. In Shanghai before 2020, one need to save enough credits, which evaluates a person from like job, wealth, how long you have been here and many other aspects, to get a hukou. In 2021, graduates from top schools can automatically get a hukou. In 2022, every graduate from local colleges in Shanghai can get a hukou. Beijing's policy is still strict.


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I mean you can cherry pick whatever statistics you want. China had higher GDP per capita than Mexico in 2022, did that materially change the relative quality of life between China and Mexico in 1 single year? The same is true for ALL the countries you listed. ALL of them had slighy lower GDP pet capita in 2022 and slightly higher in 2023. So was it that within the single year of 2023 all of China fell to ruin while the slums of Mexico were replaced by mansions or something??? And if the RMB appreciated by 10% and there was 5% inflation without any increase in economic activity, raising the nominal GDP per capita by 15%, does Mexico suddenly regress to mud huts and hunter gatherers?
I do not disagree with you.
This is an availability heuristic, middle schooler-type collection of words (because it can't even be called an argument), and your own feelings and beliefs. You need to look comprehensive distribution of tech achievements in various areas, not just 1-2 areas. It's like saying some random country is technologically weak if it doesn't have good HSR tech, EV battery tech, photovoltaics, or some random area I picked because I feel like it and am dumb to look at the whole picture or find some broad dataset.

You need comprehensive and real research statistics to evaluate this topic. You need to look at the entire picture, not just 10% of the picture. Anyways, 'arguments' like this aren't supposed to be on a forum of this quality. Even other more educated Westerners from professional research institutions admit that China is ahead of the US technology, so I don't know what are you coping with. It was already posted many times over here (you probably saw it too, but are now trolling) alongside similar things, so I won't be posting it again and wasting my time.
Well, You wrote this; "Not to "some degree". China is already the strongest technological power in the world." That is clearly not true and I answered with a sentence that it was not the case. For example, Chinese are not leding the semiconductor industry or aviation industry. There is a hierarchy of technology but hierarchy is not enough. It´s also about commercialization. Russia can make all kinds of things but they cannot make a car customers want to buy. China can because China are understand markets and what people want which Russians seem not to be able to do. China is not only one of the leaders in (overall) industry but are also do well in business. My intention is not to take down China. My intention was to point out the fact that China is still a developing country with many and significant flaws that need to be solved.
Memory fail
"China seem to fail it´s mission."

OK and as I wrote before, it is a very inaccurant measure of wealth and standard of living. This is the first time I see you've added an "if" to your statement.

I don't think anybody would, reading your past posts, conclude this about your argument. I'll take this as a new sentiment.

Ok so now you've ragged on China, Russia, USA, your own country. Name a country in the world you have a high opinion of. At this point, it sounds like a I-hate-the-world rant.

You have to wonder?? This is obvious. Coming out of WWII, China was impoverished and in disarray. The CCP was founded in 1949 and as a new government, spent the first few decades just getting people's spirits on track. Only in the last 3-4 decades did China really start to develop its economy from a very poor and very technologically backward starting point. It's a very very recent development that China's cities and living standards can rival and surpass the West. Before this point, many people wanted to go somewhere else where the standard of living and level of technology were higher. And decades of that left a heavy psychological impact causing many unlearned Chinese to believe that that is still the case even though the world has changed. It will take some serious time before the dogma that the West is best is dissipated by China's superior performance.

Can't say the same. You go on here attacking everything with nonsense and you don't even defend your own country like a gambler at a casino placing bets with empty pockets.

Another comparison as strange as the China vs Africa one you made LOL. What can I say, I'm not weak-minded and can live in the US without being brainwashed by it.

Strongest doesn't mean stronger than everyone else combined. Currently no country satisfies your standards; the US has the former but not the latter. The Netherlands has the latter but not the former. China is leading in quantum technology, telecom technology, manufacturing, supercomputing, robotics, EV cars, etc... It published more high impact scientific papers than any other country. Is it the strongest? There's really no final metric but no country can claim any comprehensive superiority over China in all critical fields while China can claim this over the vast majority of other nations, basically eveyone except the US.
I do not have to stand by my government and a policy I do not support. Unlike China - we have real elections. There are no perfect societies. The incompetence of Western governments are beyond pale which you certainly agree with. We [the West] are losing against China because we as a collective have made wrong decisions for centuries. The United States is a huge reason why the West is falling. I´m a aware of the history of the Communist Party of China and all it´s achievements. I´m also impressed by Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and Vietnam. As white people have decided to commit suicide we can only hope that "yellow people" carry the human civilization forward.

China already has their own high-bypass engine and is already one of the leaders in the semiconductor industry. Don't you know?
China has an high-bypass engine under development but not in operation. China is not one of the leaders in the semiconductor industry. However, I have no doubt that China within 15-20 years will be able build (in-house) their own high-bypass engine and eventually lead the semiconductor industry.


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And when everyone is focusing on the semiconductor industry USA is hitting next the biotech industry
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Of course this doesn't have the same magnitude but just shows there won't be de-escalation anytime soon. Let's see if there will be some response or again Chinese CEOs must be on the defensive explaining no military ties etc unlike bold statments in forum.


Junior Member
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Statements about how China is economically stronger than the United States seem silly in the context that U.S. shocks administered, even indirectly, cause large changes in equity values in China, but the reverse is nowhere near true.

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Junior Member
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Statements about how China is economically stronger than the United States seem silly in the context that U.S. shocks administered, even indirectly, cause large changes in equity values in China, but the reverse is nowhere near true.

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Imo people implicitly reveal this position when the United States is the lodestar among which everything is centered, the U.S. being ipso facto the gold standard and center of all attention. China is compared to the United States; the United States is not compared to China, and no other country is ever mentioned except in passim. The existing power structure implicitly reveals itself


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large changes in equity values in China, but the reverse is nowhere near true
In this forum equities are ignored because they reveal the ugly picture of Chinese economy. But these valuations reveal how the world votes for both economies. All Asian stocks are better nit only USA and this is for a reason. As I shared a link the real Chinese ppl also invest outside. And CCP is simply stuck with one man show without an obvious plan instead of being smarter, to drop overregulations and purges, to stimulate and release animal market spirits and to convince own ppl to invest in china not in Nasdaq :)