You won't bother to check anything anyways but just write some wishful theories mostly based on propaganda. As Nixon visited China last century he asked Mao why there were so many posters against USA. Mao told him to ignore the propaganda for the masses and speak business. Of course Chinese authorities are much smarter than all propaganda consumers here but unfortunately things are not going well financially for China and this could contribute to a world recession. And all recent political "changes" in the country could be a result these troubles. Let's see if China could turn the corner this year .. and not the wrong corner like last year, And one last thing - if 10 ppl write 10 times sth false it won't make it true
OOOOOHH The White Western Oracle Speaks and Chinese Commies ought to listen. China is doomed!! And will fall if people like us idiotic Chinese and Chinese government don't heed and accept the advice of people like this imbecile who fashions himself as the arbiter of all things China.
The success of China is almost always exclusively attributed to the GENEROSITY OF AMERICA/WEST. ALL THE FAILURES = MAO, COMMIES/CCP. HU JINTAO is being propped up as some sort of Liberal autocratic leader of China by the same fella and his ilk just to try and score phantom points against Xi Jinping, a.k.a. Winnie the Poo, Mao incarnate, all seeing, and all-knowing dictator of red Chyna.
Man, if success was primarily based on such warped and fanatical assumptions then countries that were whoring themselves to the west/America would have been rich as hell by now but they aren't. They are weak, corrupt, and poorer than ever before. See the Philippines, Argentina, Liberia, West African countries, Jordan, Egypt, Kuwait, Iraq, Libya, All the Latin American countries etc..Western White supremacist loves to take credit where credit isn't due especially when it comes to all things China. Who lost China? As the charged against Truman after their "failure" in securing their puppet KMT with the Civil War against the CPC/PLA when America isn't entitled to own anything that never even belonged to America/West in the first place?
@BrokeGambler a.k.a. @Sleepystudent, ought to stay broke by changing your moniker more than you can say CHYNA. You're nothing but a persistent weed that keeps spouting and must simply needs to be whacked time and again.