Chinese Economics Thread


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It is almost impossible for America to get a population of 700 million by 2100 even with immigration.

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If the US gets to 700M through immigration, it would be a far different nation with a far different character. It certainly won't have a significant population of whites by that point and that population with their sense of entitlement that comes from Manifest Destiny (their right to take over from the Natives here and rule over the Natives there) is really the driving force for American bases and interference around the world.


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The population of the US will continue to rise due to immigration, but the US seems to be struggling to assimilate many of their minorities. Here are the US's 2022 PISA results, broken down by race:

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China's primary competitors are people of European or East Asian descent in hostile countries. There are around 200 million people of European descent in the US, around 500 million people in hostile European countries (UK, France, Germany, etc.), and around 200 million people in Japan and South Korea. As long as China has more than roughly 900 million people, it should be fine. Anything more than that is a bonus.

China should pay close attention to the academic performance of non-Asian minority groups in the US. If the US manages to bring these groups up to speed, then the balance might tilt in the favor of the West.


Senior Member
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The population of the US will continue to rise due to immigration, but the US seems to be struggling to assimilate many of their minorities. Here are the US's 2022 PISA results, broken down by race:

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China's primary competitors are people of European or East Asian descent in hostile countries. There are around 200 million people of European descent in the US, around 500 million people in hostile European countries (UK, France, Germany, etc.), and around 200 million people in Japan and South Korea. As long as China has more than roughly 900 million people, it should be fine. Anything more than that is a bonus.

China should pay close attention to the academic performance of non-Asian minority groups in the US. If the US manages to bring these groups up to speed, then the balance might tilt in the favor of the West.

Hostile East Asian countries should be recruited as vassal states. The first step is to displace their economies from the modern economy.


Registered Member
With Technological and military growth, China should not have any problem securing resources from all over the world to sustain its population. China has this fear of getting blockaded by the US due to the dominance of the US navy around the world. But the world is getting more and more globalized and resources are no longer produced in the same country where its consumed. So, resources should not be the limiting factor for China's population sustainability.
Keeping the shipping lanes open for China/SCO has become infinitely more easier in 2020s then in the past. Just don't piss off the russian, houthis, egyptians etc. Make sure there are some land routes(BRI) to those choke points and just transfer some missiles it seems to work perfectly for Iran.

For the rest i would be more worried about China keeping space access. The US could use LEO Starlink constellation to sabotage launches if push comes to shove..


The population of the US will continue to rise due to immigration, but the US seems to be struggling to assimilate many of their minorities. Here are the US's 2022 PISA results, broken down by race:

Mathematics (
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Reading (Source:
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China's primary competitors are people of European or East Asian descent in hostile countries. There are around 200 million people of European descent in the US, around 500 million people in hostile European countries (UK, France, Germany, etc.), and around 200 million people in Japan and South Korea. As long as China has more than roughly 900 million people, it should be fine. Anything more than that is a bonus.

China should pay close attention to the academic performance of non-Asian minority groups in the US. If the US manages to bring these groups up to speed, then the balance might tilt in the favor of the West.
Holy shit; they used to make the tests more and more reading/literacy focused to boost white kids' scores and bring them closer to Asians' scores but now we're killing them in that too? Every subject everywhere? No wonder schools with more Asian kids are experiencing white flight now; that wasn't an actual thing when I was in school and I thought it was a bit of an exaggeration when I first heard it but now I see why.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
With Technological and military growth, China should not have any problem securing resources from all over the world to sustain its population. China has this fear of getting blockaded by the US due to the dominance of the US navy around the world. But the world is getting more and more globalized and resources are no longer produced in the same country where its consumed. So, resources should not be the limiting factor for China's population sustainability.
That's just your opinion. China has made the decision to avoid food import dependence as a issue of national security importance. China cannot depend on its national survival based on the goodwill of US-led international order and goodwill of US-navy. Even if China is 4X GDP, every nation goes through cyclical downturns in power, which would be exacerbated by foreign food dependence.
With this large GDP, it can easily maintain 4 times more powerful navy and probably blockade the US instead.
This assumes China has "equal GDP per capita as US" in order to have 4X the GDP with 4X the population.

The fundamental flaw behind this assumption is that the world does not have enough resources for 1.4 billion Chinese consumer habits to match American consumer habits to achieve the same/equal GDP per capita levels. China cannot achieve $80K per capita with 1.4 billion people because there isn't enough resources on earth for 4X more US consumerism. 92% of American household has a car, with average of 1.9 cars per household. Can you imagine 1 billion cars in China? The roads would collapse with permanent traffic. The earth cannot sustain an additional 10 Billion tons of CO2 emissions annually by China to achieve the same Per Capita GDP, without irreversible global warming.

So in summary, 1.4 billion people cannot achieve $80K GDP per capita because earth cannot sustain 4X more US consumerism, CO2 emissions, and resource use. The premise that 4X GDP = 4X power is based on a fundamentally flawed assumption, not even touching that population does not linearly scale 1:1 with GDP size. Smaller countries tend to have higher GDP per capita in general too.


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China has a big economy that is becoming more and more technological and threatening to displace American power. America is not scared because of China's population. It wasn't scared 30 years ago when the population difference was higher and it's not scared of India today.

Population of the US is 330M, the EU is 450M. UK+AUS+CAN+JAP+SKOR is under 300M. That adds up to less than 1.1B. Any other major ones? (Oh, right, China has Russia with 140M+ on its side.) So if your statement were to be correct, China can still afford quite a population drop. But your statement has no backing other than just your thoughts. Chinese kids are the highest achievers in all STEM classes and Chinese scientists are the buttress of labs all over the world. Given this favorable 1 vs 1 comparison and that China's everything from economy to technology to education and personal wealth is growing faster than Western allies (which are divided, unlike Mainland China, which is unified), why must we have the same number of people to win?

LOL What does that even mean? We need to devote people to them??

Yeah, and that trend is going to continue because of the qualitative increases in the Chinese population which mean that the middle class and STEM-educated class is rising fast even as the overall population sees a slight decline.

Regardless, of how many people the US and their vassals have combined together. China still needs to grow its population, for its own good. We don't even need to care about their population as long as we have more people. The US has always been obsessed about large numbers. They were scared about China's big population. Now they are even more scared about a big motivated and highly education Chinese population. We need to maintain our big and educated population, rather than coming up with stupid excuses of having a smaller population.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
China still needs to grow its population, for its own good.
All population goes through cycles of increase and decline. It's completely natural. Even India is projected to peak at 1.8 billion and decline to 1.5 billion by 2100. It's completely normal. What matters is if it can stabilize, not in the decline itself.
We need to maintain our big and educated population, rather than coming up with stupid excuses of having a smaller population.
The issue is whether the decline is irreversible, not the fact there is a decline. Population growth is cyclical, growth and decline. There is no nation that grows positively forever, you will hit the max population carrying capacity and be overpopulated. You can't just say maintain 1.4 billion because that's arbitrary. Where did you get 1.4 billion as ideal population size from?


Junior Member
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That's just your opinion. China has made the decision to avoid food import dependence as a issue of national security importance. China cannot depend on its national survival based on the goodwill of US-led international order and goodwill of US-navy. Even if China is 4X GDP, every nation goes through cyclical downturns in power, which would be exacerbated by foreign food dependence.

This assumes China has "equal GDP per capita as US" in order to have 4X the GDP with 4X the population.

The fundamental flaw behind this assumption is that the world does not have enough resources for 1.4 billion Chinese consumer habits to match American consumer habits to achieve the same/equal GDP per capita levels. China cannot achieve $80K per capita with 1.4 billion people because there isn't enough resources on earth for 4X more US consumerism. 92% of American household has a car, with average of 1.9 cars per household. Can you imagine 1 billion cars in China? The roads would collapse with permanent traffic. The earth cannot sustain an additional 10 Billion tons of CO2 emissions annually by China to achieve the same Per Capita GDP, without irreversible global warming.

So in summary, 1.4 billion people cannot achieve $80K GDP per capita because earth cannot sustain 4X more US consumerism, CO2 emissions, and resource use. The premise that 4X GDP = 4X power is based on a fundamentally flawed assumption, not even touching that population does not linearly scale 1:1 with GDP size. Smaller countries tend to have higher GDP per capita in general too.

This is where you are wrong. I also discussed this in another thread recently. This notion that world cannot sustain US and China having the same GDP per capita is based on a flawed assumption that GDP per capita can only go up. It can also come down.

The main reason behind US high GDP per capita is its high tech dominance. Its dominant in industries such as software, internet services, biotech, aerospace. This is the basis of the all the high salaried engineer jobs in the US. Without those jobs, what will happen to US GDP per capita? It will crash down.

China is developing its industry in all of these sectors. Every sector where the west is dominant is under threat of current or future Chinese competion. Once China replaces western products and software in its own borders, it will start exporting these to the outside world.

With Chinese lower cost of living and hard working 996 culture, its inevitable that they will take away market share from the US and western countries in all those high tech fields. Once that happens, Chinese GDP per capita will go up and US GDP per capita will go down, therefore closing the gap.

You have another flawed assumption about world's resources. Resources in this world maybe fixed, but there is no rule that only the US can buy those resources. As China gets richer, it will bid higher and higher prices for those resources. US will be forced to consume less and less and China will be taking away more of the resource share. In the end, we will have resource consumption equality between US and China.

There is no guarantee that 80K dollars will buy the same amount of resources and comfort in the future that it does now. The more China and other developing countries develop, they will demand those same resources and the prices of those resources will rise significantly. This will cause a reduction in standard of living in rich countries like US and Europe.

The key to prosperity and comfortable living is money, and the key to money is strong industrial power. China is gaining both. Moreover, the world is moving from resource consumption inequality to equality. This will have catastrophic effect on US standard of living in the future.