It's relentless, though. Like, if an economic indicator for China is slightly less than expected/previous, but still positive, this is just DOOOOOM!!! Whereas a negative but slightly better than previous/expected indicator for US/EU/wherever is positively glowing proof of massive growth and for sure China will never overtake US!
I think coupled with a significant decline in journalism, both in terms of standard of editing / reporting as well as that of the basic competency of the journalist contribute significantly to those as well. The media now is basically an echo chamber with the copy and pasting and click baiting, on top of all the propaganda and narrative setting. Same effect of the west going to a serviced based economy. All the top talents heading to the $$$ earning jobs like banking and finance and entertainment, causing brain drains in the other sectors.
Would like to see how China will handle those same problems when the pay gap between industries widen. I like the crackdown on the I bank salaries a few years ago, as well as those of the actors. Would like to see the effect in the long term though, as market forces do tend to gravitate pay and thus talents to those sectors.
There is an economic incentive to produce these stories. At this point the population of the west has a fundamental belief in the following dogma that Communist/Authoritarian governments are inherently evil, and democratic governments are inherently good.
Most people in the west don't want to read about China success stories. If China is successful then it is literally evil winning over good to them. If a news outlet primarily produced fair and balanced reporting on China, it would be a business failure.
What is click baiting? It isn't poor journalism as much as a business tactic.
All of this talk of economic slowdown in China, it can be directly traced to a slowdown in global demand due to inflation and other poor economic indicators globally. These are not solely China-specific issues, but domestic issues. However, the news isn't going to connect these dots for the reader for the reasons above.