Chinese Economics Thread


Registered Member
I like your well written articles with great evidence, however you are being naive here.

The spat of Argentina is not with the West, it is with a singly country Britain. Argentina's ties with Spain, Italy etc are warm. Most of Argentina's people have ancestors from these countries. The best outcome for China is an Argentina that remains neutral and open for trade.

Mexico will never commit suicide by standing against America. It will destroy their economy, besides Mexico has deep cultural, linguistic and political ties with a large part of America's south.

No politician in Mexico, however left leaning will harm ties with America.
America is an extension of the British and what @Serb had posted hold true If you're willing to learn and listen.


Registered Member
Question for you.

Why did you or do you think Argentina was a Western country and pro-West?

Argentina is famously the place that after World War 2, that anyone in Europe who wanted to run and hide, Argentina was the place to go. Argentina could not give a hoot about that, because they were not part of the West. They did not care at all.

That was true back then, and true today.

Especially more true today considering how Wall Street bankers exploited Argentina's financial difficulties to enrich themselves, at the expense of we know who, the country of Argentina and the people of Argentina.

This continues to this day. Do we seriously think Argentina has ever forgotten this financial abuse handed out by the Americans onto them, over a periods of two decades, and they are suppose to be proud of being part of the West?

That they elect El Loco, makes no difference.

Maybe El Loco will finally do something to break this cycle of Western exploitation.


Argentina is an Oligarchy Society whose family elites originated from Spain. So like all former Spanish colonies they considered the old world as their home and the current one to exploit.

So to answer your question bro yes as the masses aspired to moved up the social ladder and to do this they have to Cosy up with the elites.
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Just Hatched
Registered Member
Yeah, just like Japan, South Korea, Philippines didn't go against China because they would commit suicide against their economies (biggest trading partners). That's not how politics go, it's not perfectly rational.
America have captured Japan, South Korea and Philippines' political elites with NGOs and military occupation. China doesn't have any of that in Mexico or Argentina.

There is also unpleasant history between China and Japan. Not really the same situation.


New Member
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The size of China's current account and trade surplus relative to GDP implies a very high savings rate. Other Northeast Asian countries like South Korea or Japan do not have current account surplus of the same size.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
The size of China's current account and trade surplus relative to GDP implies a very high savings rate. Other Northeast Asian countries like South Korea or Japan do not have current account surplus of the same size.
Maybe, maybe not:

Most controversially, perhaps, we also conclude that China’s GDP is under-reported by an amount largely equal to household consumption outside of retail sales. If we had to ballpark it, we would say China’s household consumption is 50-55% of GDP, investment is 30-34% of GDP and total GDP needs to be grossed up by 25-40%.
This has many implications. One is that China’s economy is not nearly as unbalanced as conventional wisdom believes – it is merely a peer of its Asian neighbors Japan and Korea. It explains why the government only seems to give lip service to increasing demand while all policies somehow favor supply. It explains how China has avoided the dire consequences of running such an unbalanced economy for so long – mostly because it hasn’t been.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
America have captured Japan, South Korea and Philippines' political elites with NGOs and military occupation. China doesn't have any of that in Mexico or Argentina.

There is also unpleasant history between China and Japan. Not really the same situation.

China doesn't have NGOs, but it has strong ideological ties to that entire continent thanks to socialism.

From what I observed, every socialist elected government there in Latin America automatically favors China by default, and now leftist governments hold nearly the entire continent.

Also, 55% of territory stolen from Mexico by US literally only two centuries ago isn't "unpleasant history"?


New Member
Registered Member
America is an extension of the British and what @Serb had posted hold true If you're willing to learn and listen.
It is you who has to learn and listen, I am willing to admit mistakes and if someone posts evidence contrary to my view, I am willing to change my views. What about you?