Pretty weak numbers really.
already some major players here that will no longer rely on oracle. Finance and energy sectors are major national security areas. You definitely don't want American firms to have the ability to disrupt day to day operations截至目前,GaussDB已广泛应用于金融行业,支撑了中国工商银行、中国邮政储蓄银行、中国建设银行、中国农业银行等国有大行的核心业务。此外,也服务了陕西省财政厅、中石油、中海油、国家管网等关键行业企业。
PSBC completed migrate to new distributed bank system last year and uses GaussDB. Claims significantly improved performance中国邮储银行去年刚完成了新一代个人业务分布式核心系统数据迁移,这也是全球最大的银行分布式核心系统,新系统中使用的就是GaussDB。
Huawei now has GaussDB and UStore storage and MetaERP that it's promoting to domestic companies, I'm sure SOEs will be nudged to migrate to this. And aside from national security point of view, this will reduce the money they send to Western companies一些半桶水的喜欢说这是国外源代码换皮,现在华为直接官宣核心代码100%自主研发,还有什么可辩的?
Huawei sees finance sectors as one of its 4 pillars I guess. It uses catchy terms to basically encourage finance sector to use its products. Of course, some domestic competitors will loose out, but a lot of Western tech firms will loose out. I think what we are seeing is that with all the sanctions, Huawei got forced to shift focus and develop product in many ways will counter sanction the west. Since domestic firms will move over to using Huawei products in areas like GPUs, AI, database, OS, ERP and other software. Even if there isn't a formal sanction retaliation, it will work in that direction在上海举办华为全球智慧金融峰会2023上,华为数字金融军团CEO曹冲表示,华为在金融行业已经深耕了13年,目前华为在全球60个国家或地区,全球金融客户超过33000家,其中包括了50家全球Top100银行,华为在中国金融云和基础设施里面已经是第一名。
Look at this, these are major banks. The only major one missing is bank of China. And also Sinopec from the hydrocarbon companies. hopefully, this can extend to more sectors going forward截至目前,GaussDB已广泛应用于金融行业,支撑了中国工商银行、中国邮政储蓄银行、中国建设银行、中国农业银行等国有大行的核心业务。此外,也服务了陕西省财政厅、中石油、中海油、国家管网等关键行业企业。
I do wonder if there are other Chinese database also entering major foreign banks and corporations. Looks like they are getting customers in Asia and South America. This to me seems like it would scare certain China hawks.第五、中国数据库要走向全球市场,给世界一个更优选择。国产数据库在中国市场的场景中历练,同时也要走向全球市场。目前,亚洲的很多银行已经开始选用和测试华为云GaussDB数据库,在南美也有很多客户开始测试。面向新时代,分布式云上的数据库一定是一个更新的、更优的选择。中国的软件开发商应立足中国、面向全球,与华为GaussDB数据库一起出海,在海外做好应用,服务全球企业、政府的数字化需求。
of course, training talent is important, but 39k is minute compared to the 1.5 million developers on Ascend platform. To be fair, database is pretty common everywhere so picking up new databases isn't too difficult.第四、培养关键人才,产教融合,保障开发者和创新人才供给。人才是国产数据库持续做大做强的核心要素之一,但也最容易被忽略,或者优先级放得很低。华为公司从2019年起和教育部门合作,通过智能基座和新工科2大产教融合项目,持续投入和帮助国内超过110所高校开办了数据库课程,截至目前已经培育了3.9万名GaussDB数据库人才。未来,华为还将持续投入从高校抓起,为产业保障数据库人才供给
Real estate prices need to crash ~80% at a minimum. Look at the price-to-income ratios for T1 cities in China and compare them to expensive cities like London and Sydney. The latter look like bargain prices in comparison.Real estate needs to be corrected in China
Real estate needs to be corrected in China as it is a huge drag on the economy in general, similar to Japan during the lost decade. If everyone is putting their money into real estate, consumption will never go up and dependency on external markets will only grow, not to mention the knock on effects on family formation and demographics.
Property tax is the only viable solution, just need the political will to suffer a down turn as it is inevitable when real estate crashes.
Trend has changing rapidly.Real estate prices need to crash ~80% at a minimum. Look at the price-to-income ratios for T1 cities in China and compare them to expensive cities like London and Sydney. The latter look like bargain prices in comparison.
There are two major mistakes the CCP made during the last half-century. The first is real estate sector generally, allowing it to appreciate beyond reason and focusing land sales model to fund local governments by too large of an extent. The second is the 1 child policy. The latter is now a ship that has sailed but the former can still be corrected.
Better bite the bullet and accept a low-growth decade but make young Chinese people able to buy real estate without getting the whole extended family into debt. I wonder how much of weak consumption is just because of the insane amount of saving you need to do to buy your own real estate.