No, those numbers were not cobbled from random sites that report differently; they were obtained from the same site with the functional purpose of making things comparable to each other. The numbers on that site are directly comparable, maybe not to other sites, but certainly to each other.No. Using annualized rates for GDP levels and using US Q/Q and China’s Y/Y levels as directly comparable is wrong. The US economy through 3Q22 is 2.4% larger than it was compared to 1Q21-3Q21; China’s economy is 3% larger from 1Q22-3Q22 compared to 1Q21-3Q21. So China has outgrown the US by 1.25x, substantially lower than historical levels. Unsurprisingly, this is when zero COVID took on its more fanatical forms (random and rolling lockdowns and functional bans on intercity/interprovincial travel); as opposed to more measured zero COVID measures in 2020 and 2021.
Your 1.25X has no formula and came out of nowhere. If you wish to establish it, list your sources and your formulas, yes, both of them. Like I did, list the sources for your numbers (make sure they are comparable), the formula through which you've arrived at America's 2022 Q1-3 total and China's 2022 Q1-3 total. Or we can just wait for annual 2022 data to come out and prove you wrong again. Just now, you're admitting that China accelerated its economic growth in relation to the US during COVID whereas in all your previous accounts, you pretended that that was not the case. In the future, you will admit that China won 2022, 2023, 2024, etc... year-by-year but try to twist data for why it's losing 20XX.
There was actually a typo when I got the 3.88X. For China 2020 and 2021, it's actually 1.0224x1.0811=1.1053 to America's 0.966x1.0567=1.0208, which is 10.53% to 2.08%, which is 5.06X. Then 7.71X followed.1.25 times. 2.48 -> 3.88 - 1.25x. That’s is a rapid deceleration.
Additionally, this is nominal GDP, not PPP and the US raised the value of its currency to combat inflation, therefore artificially deflating everyone else's currency and nominal GDP. China, the EU, Japan, they can all follow and negate that by raising their currencies as well, but they're not desperate like the US and will enjoy the easy export boom (for the countries that can take advantage of it like China).
1. Even if China was growing at 1.25x the pace of the US, it is still converging in nominal terms. It's only NOT converging in PPP terms because it's ahead of the US and enlarging that lead.China was able to accelerate the rate at which its economic slowdown is metastizing and functionally end its economic convergence with the United States in 2022.
2. Don't use words when you don't know what they mean, even if in your imagination, they make you sound smart
Metastisize - (of a cancer) spread to other sites in the body by metastasis.
Metastasis - the development of secondary malignant growths at a distance from a primary site of cancer
Oh, so now it's not "irreparable" anymore, eh? LOL You so desperately want to see China make a mistake and end up like the US you can't even hide it.Of course, whether that continues or not is whether China continues with fanatical zero COVID policies or not
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