@hans_r Just realized I gave you too much credit again to let your numbers slide thinking China only grew at under 3X the pace of the US.
2019-2021 China GDP data (5.69%, 2.24%, 8.11%):
2019-2021 USA GDP data (2.29%, -3.4%, 5.67%):
2022 China GDP data by quarter (1.6%, -2.7%, 3.9%):
2022 US GDP data by quarter (-1.6%, -0.6%, 2.6%):
In 2019, China grew at 5.69% while the US grew at 2.29%, so before COVID, China was growing at 569/229=
2.48 times the rate of the US.
Once COVID hit, we see that in 2020 and 2021, China grew 1.0224x1.0811=1.0806 which is 8.06%. The US grew 0.966x1.0567=1.0208 which is 2.08%. That means that in this time period, China grew at 806/208=
3.88 times the pace of the US.
How about recovery this year so far throughout the 3 reported quarters? In 2022, China grew at 1.016x0.973x1.039=1.027 which is 2.7%. The US grew at 0.984x0.994x1.026=1.0035, which is 0.35%. That means that in this time period, China grew at 2.7/.35=
7.71 times the pace of the US.
Before COVID, China was going 2.48 times faster than the US; during COVID, it became 3.88 times, and this year, while the US is totally open and China still with COVID Zero, it became 7.71 times. That means that not only did the combined effects of China and America's COVID policies
not cause China to sacrifice its economy to save lives in comparison, it allowed China to both save lives and accelerate its economic overtake of the US. Yup, COVID Zero definitely the way to go.