Chinese Economics Thread

Jiang ZeminFanboy

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No it doesn't:

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China is able to do it despite having an internal rural-urban migration level which dwarfs the migration of any western country.

If it was uncontrolled lockdowns, that unemployment rate would skyrocket.
That's urban unemployment rate, quite a lot of factory workers are migrants from the rural areas who are not counted for this statistics. When there is no jobs they just go back to their homelands, I remember there was a time years ago in Dongguan while it was changing its manufacturing model to more high tech factories at that time a lot of the migrants went back.


Unemployment for factory workers aren't the problem. A few months back, there were shortages of factory workers. Even now, most factories are just cut back on overtime and still trying to retain workers.

At the moment, it is white collars workers and service sector workers that are affected by recent economic downturn. For white collars workers, they would either need to go back to schools or trade down. There are still enough jobs out there for them.

As for service sector workers, they would be the most vulnerable. If they don't want to work at factories or can't enter the live streaming industries, their options would be limited and might need to go back to their home provinces to open a small business.


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The following does not belong here, probably, but I don't know where else to put it ...

From 2017. Some of you have probably seen it, but it is new to me ...

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Huang Dafa, chief of a tiny village in Guizhou province.

Some of the photos show the canal hugging the side of a steep mountain; I don't know how he managed to carve the path without falling off and dying.


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The following does not belong here, probably, but I don't know where else to put it ...

From 2017. Some of you have probably seen it, but it is new to me ...

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Huang Dafa, chief of a tiny village in Guizhou province.

Some of the photos show the canal hugging the side of a steep mountain; I don't know how he managed to carve the path without falling off and dying.
Amazing Tenacity.


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It's more accurate to say that China and India didn't undergo an industrial revolution, which then meant they fell behind and were vulnerable.
And the catching up to those countries that did undergo an industrial revolution has been the object of (at this point) centuries of Chinese officialdom, academia and elites. Everything from the Self-Strengthening movement, the establishment of the Republic of China, the CCP-KMT civil wars, the backyard furnace steel movement in the Cultural Revolution, the Four Modernizations, catching up and surpassing, breaking the middle-income trap, self-sufficency - all of that was/is fundamentally about converging with standards in industrialized countries and which remains incomplete, to this day and for the foreseeable future


Registered Member
And the catching up to those countries that did undergo an industrial revolution has been the object of (at this point) centuries of Chinese officialdom, academia and elites. Everything from the Self-Strengthening movement, the establishment of the Republic of China, the CCP-KMT civil wars, the backyard furnace steel movement in the Cultural Revolution, the Four Modernizations, catching up and surpassing, breaking the middle-income trap, self-sufficency - all of that was/is fundamentally about converging with standards in industrialized countries and which remains incomplete, to this day and for the foreseeable future
Middle income trap is just an oligarchy trap, every single so called middle income trapped economy has arrested development due to corruption and terrible governance. Even higher income countries have fallen into traps where they don't grow and only get recession/stagflation.

Current China has mostly been about turning a state/military centralised soviet style economy into a civilian centered consumption economy. This development is near complete, evidenced by China already achieving higher gdp per capita than almost all post soviet states.

The final touches just involve equalising the gdp of frontier provinces onto the same level as the industrialised ones. China is an EU sized countries with areas as poor as Ukraine/Belarus and areas as rich as Western Europe.

As shown by the EU mostly failing to develop the balkans and their East, this is not an easy process and great care must be exercised.


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My hometown in the news:

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2022-09-16 13:05:51Xinhua Editor : Li Yan
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The 19th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO), scheduled for Sept. 16 to 19 in Nanning, capital of south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, has attracted a total of 1,653 enterprises to its offline event.
At the same time, the online expo has attracted the participation of more than 2,000 enterprises. During the expo, more than 80 investment and trade promotion activities and 21 high-level forums will be held online and offline to deepen China-ASEAN cooperation in economy, trade and other fields, according to a briefing conference held in Nanning on Thursday.
The expo will spotlight the theme -- "Sharing RCEP New Opportunities, Building a Version 3.0 China-ASEAN Free Trade Area" -- to consolidate high-level dialogue platforms, improve professional cooperation platforms, and promote multi-field cooperation in order to make new contributions to building a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future, said Wu Zhengping, head of the trade development bureau of China's Ministry of Commerce.
Malaysia, as the Country of Honor, will also offer a series of activities.
Since the first China-ASEAN Expo was held in 2004, the event has actively built a platform for ASEAN enterprises to enter the Chinese market.