Chinese government released the stats of employment income by professions in 2021. The employment income include salary/wage, allowance, bonus, and pay for overtime, etc. It reflects the general market price of labour. Stock options are probably not counted as far as I can tell.
The 10% division is the lowest 10%, 90% is the highest 10%, 50% is the median.
The numbers are in 10 thousan yuans.
IIUC, the public employees (公务员) are not include in this stats.
In general the median pay of manufacturing workers are from 50k to ~70k, with more professions above 60k than below. Specifically, median pay of auto workers is 64.1k. Those who are in textile and wood processing are getting slightly less than 50k.
The farm workers make the lowest median pay of 36k. Workers in the finance sector has the highest median pay of 113.4k. That is even higher than the median pay of managers/directors at 88k. The median pay for ITC workers is 81.1k.