Again, worry about your countries economic, social, and political situation than of China's. I mean, WTF dude, why do you still maintain this arrogant opinion that your line of thinking is better or best in tackling the covid-19 situation in China? Where exactly are you basing your hight fatutin opinion from? None of your western countries can boast any economic growth post-covid 19 and clearly due to the awesomeness of you and your countries leaders foresight in sanctioning Russia inflation is also a problem, something that's not the case in Red China.
So again, based on the data and real evidence at hand, why should I us a Chinese person and for that matter China copy your shitty system that thus far failed to produce and provide real world results worth emulating?
Your countries society, culture, population expectations, and political leaders decision calculus are different from China and that's fine. You don't see or hear much from any Chinese nationalists or not chastising your countries and peoples blasé attitude to this virus now do you? It's not China's concern because it's not their business and besides you folks chose the government you have and are content with it. But on the other hand you folks can't seem to shut the f...k up about this zero covid-19 policy.