Chinese Economics Thread


Registered Member
I have had issues with this dogma and had a serious debate with a pastor(s) about this topic many years ago when I used to attend mass. Sunday Bible class was turned into a debate class and I wasn't a popular figure. They saw me as an instigator/agitator lol
You know you're asking the right questions when the priest gets mad


The simple answer is that the 11 CPTPP members — Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam — will decide whether to allow China to join the pact.

The next step is for the current members of the CPTPP to accept China's application make a review, then recommendation to current members wether to accept China into the club. Take note that member countries of CPTPP are concurrent members of the recently passed/activated largesr trade alliance in the world, RCEP.

Which country/ies would dare to reject China ? ... I only can see Australia ?


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Registered Member
Many people today go even further, claiming it is our duty to impose change on the Chinese so they conform to liberal values and principles. Even if the Chinese government was demonstrably the best at looking out for the interests of the Chinese as a collective, their doing so in an illiberal fashion means we see it as our duty to change their system, even if it means ending up with a government under which the Chinese are worse off. In such moments, it seems that we are the ones ready to compromise morality and reason for the sake of ideology.

This is exactly why China needs 1000 nuclear warheads now, and realistically deter pre-emptive nuclear strikes by the washington polity, which really is just the worst manifestation of nazism. Like previously stated, we will NEVER accept western values of racial extermination, and we will make sure America and all its 5-eye allies never have the ability to ever threaten another sovereign country again. The absolute destruction of the world's most expansionist ideology, one which genocided over 1000 separate cultures across North America, South Africa, and Australia would be china's greatest gift to humanity.