Chinese Economics Thread


If China manages to hit >5.5% growth, that would be a big embarrassment for these so-called professionals
Psssshhhtttt, they're used to far more embarrassing things than that by now, especially when it comes to predicting China. If they had a shred of dignity left after being wrong on China every year, month, day, for decades at a time, it wouldn't even sneeze at seeing China pull over 5.5% this year. They'll pretend they never said it; they'll say some unexpecting circumstance kicked in; they'll say that's the slowest China has grown other than COVID year itself. They'd be happy to be see China under 6%; that's under par for how wrong they usually are. Hell, they probably have excuses all lined up for if China pulls another 8+% LOL. China has made them numb and incapable of feeling embarrassment by now.


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Interesting. IMF, World Bank, and the vast majority of analysts predict slower GDP growth for China in 2022.

If China manages to hit >5.5% growth, that would be a big embarrassment for these so-called professionals
They usually revise the forecasts throughout the year. Last year they were predicting like 7%+ for MuriKKKa and we know how it turned out. There is no use in even entertaining those forecasted numbers at the start of the year.


Lieutenant General
The fact is Trump only cared about optics. The Phase One deal only came about because China wasn't budging one inch and Trump needed to show a win. Remember China was the one that was suppose to collapse day one of his trade war. To this day China was a lot more resilient than any Western government ever imagined. They all believed China would collapse from being denied semiconductors as an example. We're a long way from that nonsense now since they're in panic trying stop China from producing domestically which then they all didn't believe was possible.


Registered Member
China's urbanization rate is still much lower than in most developed economies.
Even if the property market cools down somewhat long term trends should lead to further growth down the line.
What is the definition of a place being urbanized?


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wow! just wow! China basically bought whatever really needed and didn't give a rat's ass about the deal. I thought China only bought 62% of the additional that China needed to buy. But in fact it was 62% of total trade in covered area. and 0% of the additional! that's crazy. Liu He has balls the size of ostrich egg.


wow! just wow! China basically bought whatever really needed and didn't give a rat's ass about the deal. I thought China only bought 62% of the additional that China needed to buy. But in fact it was 62% of total trade in covered area. and 0% of the additional! that's crazy. Liu He has balls the size of ostrich egg.

Well, we only hear one side of story from biased western medias ...... how about the USA itself?, whether they do what they suppose to do under the "agreement", I don't think so ...... the banning still there, the tariffs, etc, etc