Her writing is downright inspirational for me as a Chinese patriot: a poetic expression of love for our country via clear-eyed critical thinking and hard work.Thanks for sharing! this is such a detailed and insightful site on the break neck progress China is making!
And I just love the name of the site! Chinese Characteristics are the secret sauce part of the story that makes China successful. Let everyone else focus on the socialist part
"After this year, I am still resolute in staying in China and investing in Chinese tech for the long term. I say the things I say, having deliberately made difficult decisions to have a lot of skin in the game. I have no agenda apart from making money by seeing reality clearly. I intend to be smart rather than to sound smart. As an investor with at least a decade-plus time horizon, I am comforted by the resolve and decisiveness of the government regulations. I wish the regulations were better sequenced and better communicated, but I think they lay solid foundations for future innovation and growth. When I go through the tech policy white papers put out by CAICT, they are thorough and technically sound. When I go through Chinese reform history, I see continuity in the tension between reforms and free growth stretching back to the Deng era. When I spoke to entrepreneurs, the apprehension and excitement vary from folk to folk, but I rarely hear hopelessness. Make of that what you will."