I consider the idea of the intrinsic value of gold as a totally Human driven idea. It is only rare and finite because the supply-demand curve makes it rare. There are many other things that are way rarer but cost way less. In the same sense, Bitcoin is only now so valuable because Human Beings make it valuable with the skewed supply-demand curve that wasn't so dramatic only 6-7 years ago. Price discovery is the same with gold as with everything else, whether it is for food, commodities, stocks, or anything else. I think the idea of gold reserves is fundamentally driven by financial ideology. Bitcoin works on the same premise as this financial ideology except it is a modern incarnation of it. What isn't the same imo, is China's new digital currency, which on the surface looks like a sovereign Bitcoin. In reality, it is a sovereign digital fiat currency that is backed up by the comprehensive strength of the Chinese nation and its value is decided by price discovery relative to the comprehensive strength of China. This is basically the same as how the US dollar fiat currency works except in digital form and without the "indirect" control mechanisms like the petrodollar system, SWIFT, and various other currency related regimes by the G7, etc. Given that China's digital RMB can circumvent these control mechanisms, it has the potential to literally replace the US dollar in trade transactions involving China, a very dangerous scenario for the US reserve currency.