Chinese Economics Thread


Registered Member
Adjusted for population size, India's effort is not enough. The US would be far better than China but at the same time, China's infection count would be lower than even the infection count of a city in the US at the moment. So US well ahead in administering vaccines partly because they really ought to be. Everyone else in Europe is commensurate and it seems the west is doing well in administrating vaccines. India once adjusted for population size and the urgency, needs to administer more and faster. Luckily they produce at least one highly effective vaccine and have plenty of production capability. They just need to administer themselves before selling/sending those vax to buyers or gifts outside India.


Registered Member
Adjusted for population size, India's effort is not enough. The US would be far better than China but at the same time, China's infection count would be lower than even the infection count of a city in the US at the moment. So US well ahead in administering vaccines partly because they really ought to be. Everyone else in Europe is commensurate and it seems the west is doing well in administrating vaccines. India once adjusted for population size and the urgency, needs to administer more and faster. Luckily they produce at least one highly effective vaccine and have plenty of production capability. They just need to administer themselves before selling/sending those vax to buyers or gifts outside India.
West is doing well on vacinnes because they are throwing the rest of the world under the bus by overbuying vaccine production. I shudder to think if China had acted the same way as the US and didny export any vaccines

This is shameful behaviour by the West.I am sure that the elites and leaders of poor countries are taking notes on who helps them and who is actively harming them


Registered Member
West is doing well on vacinnes because they are throwing the rest of the world under the bus by overbuying vaccine production. I shudder to think if China had acted the same way as the US and didny export any vaccines

This is shameful behaviour by the West.I am sure that the elites and leaders of poor countries are taking notes on who helps them and who is actively harming them

That's true but don't and can't judge them on this. They're doing what they can and what everyone else would in their position. It's just not necessarily the "right" thing to do but their fanatics would say it's also wrong of the CCP to release a bioweapon they developed/leaked purposefully/accidentally from the Bill Gates secret satanic lab etc LOL...?

Anyway they're certainly not the champions of morality their politicians like shouting about. They're like that bitchy girl who's always uppity and too self assured with all the fake morality, fake caring bullshit, "ohemgee you're sooooo prettiiiiiiii!"... I think the west really embodies this shallow idiot a little too much these days. The kind of person who would stab her own family if it meant getting the inheritance sooner but otherwise seems to be sweet and normal. Just intellectually shallow with that caricature of "character"... you know hipster beard, "I'm really into politics" and craft beer, Management from upstairs style. It's two steps away from hell. Personally, everyone should watch those types very carefully. Why people listen to those who constantly pat themselves and broadcast why they're so much better while pointing fingers and criticising others with trumped up charges. I dunno if the world has its head on right sometimes.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
India is dismal. With all that population and limited housing facilities it will be easy for the virus to spread.
Lack of proper sanitation facilities will also mean contamination by fecal matter will also lead to COVID-19 infections.
They aren't confining properly and even if they tried it wouldn't be as effective as it should be.

China can handle a slower vaccine rollout because the infection is contained.

China also is taking steps to contain the African Swine Fever by preventing the transport of live pigs across the country.


Registered Member
China also is taking steps to contain the African Swine Fever by preventing the transport of live pigs across the country.
Friend do you have any news regarding this virus(?).

China's pig pop was decimated then new measures were taken, new "factories" were built etc. But I have also heard that there are still incidents happening on some parts of China.

Whats most problematic is that there was some interview recently with an "expert" who said that he doesn't think that China will ever eradicate this issue from affecting it. This seems very bad, imagine all these imports that China had to do to, all the rising prices for eating, etc this sounds like bad news.

Do you have any information on what is truly happening (truth, no the usual self-congratulations that media often do in China)


Registered Member
India is dismal. With all that population and limited housing facilities it will be easy for the virus to spread.
Lack of proper sanitation facilities will also mean contamination by fecal matter will also lead to COVID-19 infections.
They aren't confining properly and even if they tried it wouldn't be as effective as it should be.

China can handle a slower vaccine rollout because the infection is contained.

China also is taking steps to contain the African Swine Fever by preventing the transport of live pigs across the country.

I thought the swine fever that cost China billions of dollars a few years ago, came from the US. In fact I'm 99% sure it did. It basically reduced China's pig livestock to a fraction of usual level and had to slaughter even more infected and import from the US. I know this problem is ongoing. Bill Gates is dead on about many things. China does take action and there's no narrative of satanic rituals and new world order conspiracies because information is the most effective and dangerous weapon. One the west wields and abuses while China tries desperately to contain. A Chinese population that's allowed to roam with stupidity and false information is a China that risks collapsing. Probably why the CCP kicked those spies and manipulative snakes from the west out over a decade ago. Sneaky bastards want to scurry in through HK again.


Registered Member
The Pig situation is very concerning. Chinese people are naturally sensitive for supply of meat (for good reason) and having your entire pig livestock disappear is certainly not inspiring confidence.

Hopefully another company, the best, my favourite company, Huawei is also working on this. They are developing 5G enabled IoT smart management for pig "factories" (farms?) to have real time monitoring of pigs, their health, potential fever, abnormal temperature etc.

China should embrace this and start modernising the industry for its own good.

Jiang ZeminFanboy

Senior Member
Registered Member
But this is false. Minimum wage is not everything. Don't compare everything with the failing neoliberal system where many people are actually earning the minimum wage.

Here is the disposable income chart for rural and rural households. Check this data:
View attachment 71404

This is increasing rather nicely, right? I sure am jealous of it hahaha
Found new infographic about disposable income, Zhejiang is almost double average both urban and rural. Zhejiang is number one nationwide, it seems Wenzhou's Economic model is the most successful in China.

A total of 8.16 million market entities had been established in eastern China's Zhejiang province by the end of March, or 1 in 8 permanent residents in Zhejiang is a business owner.




Lieutenant General
Registered Member
It is not impossible to contain and fight the African Swine Fever.
It is spread through contact from live pigs with each other or contaminated surfaces which touched fecal matter.
The meat of those pigs can be consumed without spreading the disease to humans.

Spain had a lot of African Swine Fever which came from hogs imported from North Africa for example. They managed to eradicate it. This was done by a campaign which showed on TV how to identify pigs with the disease, making a lot of testing, and the state paying the farmers for any pigs which had to be slaughtered. Imports of pigs got curtailed and the transport of live pigs across regions was basically forbidden to contain the spread. Pig quarantine.