Chinese Economics Thread


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U.S. President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga have agreed to jointly invest $4.5 billion for the development of next-generation communication known as 6G, or "beyond 5G."

The two countries will invest in research, development, testing, and deployment of secure networks and advanced information and communications technology, according to a fact sheet released after the
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"The United States has committed $2.5 billion to this effort, and Japan has committed $2 billion,"
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The call for "secure and open" 5G networks, including advancing Open Radio Access Networks (Open-RAN), reflects the leaders' intent of creating an alternative to a China-led communications network.

Open-RAN is an open-source platform where network operators can mix and match hardware from different vendors, without having to own entire systems of antennas and base stations.

Good news everyone! Looks like America and Japan are doubling down on O-RAN, which I can tell you right now is basically dumping money in a hole if they intend to compete with 5G/6G.

Good to see that some pressure is taken off Huawei now. ;)


Registered Member
Russia doesn't hold any US bonds dumped it all for gold years ago, been trying to persuade the Chinese to do the same for years
I didn't say anything about Russia holding US bonds. I said the US Financial institutions holding Russian sovereign bonds (attractive yield). These institutions are now banned from buying Russia's debt.

The Russian economy has held up surprisingly well despite several rounds of Sanctions and a drop in oil prices.
It has, but there are still plenty of sanctions thats can be applied to damage Russia even more.

Russia's weapon supply chain is almost entirely domestic so won't need to import anything to keep its arms industry going, its manpower rather than equipment they need to worry about.
I think you have a point here, but I still think that Russia would need to raise cash. (Who knows what the US and the EU will do to force Russia to spend more money)

The Russians aren't stupid Lavrov did the rounds in China and Iran recently to make sure their flanks aren't exposed plus the Chinese aren't short sighted idiots or war profiteers, they didn't shed all that blood in Korea motivated by money or favours, learn your history!
Agreed that China will cover Russia's back. However it will still require something. Maybe help for Taiwan or allow more Chinese influence in Central Asia.

There is no way that Xi will not help Putin. But there is also no way that Russia will get free help. Maybe very generous help but China will require some geopolitical help somewhere.

If China doesn't request anything in return then I would truly believe that China and Russia are very very close to an alliance and they have an unprecedented trust between them, we will see

Russia doesn't need to invade Ukraine, the Russian speaking east Ukraine already occupies a chunk of Ukrainian territory been fighting off and on for years against the government in Kyiv,
Maybe it doesn't, maybe it does, but Biden might also try to force Russia's hand. If they start talking about accepting Ukraine into NATO then Russia would have to invade. There is also the water crisis in Crimea. Complex stuff

Why do you think the US keeps trying to kill Nord Stream 2,
I think this is the true US goal. They want to bait Russia into attacking Ukraine, so that the US can force Germany to stop the pipeline and thus divide Russia and Germany.


Registered Member
Except Russia has really low debt. Their government budget actually runs a surplus.
Thats true. This will only affect them if they go to war with Ukraine and the US and EU start freezing Russian assets in their countries. Or if the US bleeds Russia in Ukraine.
In those cases Russia would need to raise money fast. However it still a small problem.because they have a lot of reserves

The only thing is how hard the sanctions would be if Russia attacked Ukraine


Registered Member
The real problem for Russia was that it blocked them for making emergency bond raises because if it went to war against Ukraine, the West would sanction it Very Hard and its economy would tank.

So combining a tanked economy(sanctions) and huge increases in military expenditures, Russia would be forced to frequently raise money by bonds to finance their expenditures. With the whole world scared to lend them money, Russia would be left alone for raising such huge sums of money.

In that case, Putin will eventually turn to China for a loan. And China is not a charity, it would suck Russia's blood for this kind of favour.

This is a complex matter but IMO it mostly sets the stage for an eventual dollar bond ban and for deterring Russia from attacking Ukraine.
But Russia doesn't really have to use foreign currencies to finance their military adventures, they make their own stuff and have made their economy autarkic. Its pretty much sanction proof and in GDP PPP Russian economy is just below that of Germany. That is with the neo liberal shock therapy they had to recover from. The Russian also has maneuvered the economic siege fare from the west just fine after 2014.

But the military expenditure do bite into overall development of Russian infrastructure, the top of their military expenditure was in 2016 and has dropped since then. But time will tell don't think Russia will suffer much from western sanctions, they are also fully prepared if they get banned from the SWIFT system. I think Russia is like 5 years further along with decoupling from western finance then china.

Maybe if China will sanction Russia, Russia might be in economic trouble. But then again China has to spend a lot of resources to secure their long northern border. Maybe so much that challenging the US in the south China sea becomes impossible. If Russia, China and Iran work together they can make the US overspend and overstretch the US military expenditure.


Lieutenant General
Well good news China shale gas finally taking off
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China’s Shale Gas Industry Is Finally Taking Off​

Sat, April 17, 2021, 10:00 AM

During the first two months of 2021, the Chinese oil and gas giant Sinopec managed to bring 28 new shale gas wells on stream in the country. The company also announced that the shale gas production from its major Fuling field
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compared to last year. And despite the recent collapse in oil and gas prices, as well as the uncertainty brought by the Covid-19 pandemic, Sinopec remains optimistic on the future of shale gas. Its latest achievement was the completion of the first phase of a
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, adding 1 billion cubic meters of shale capacity.
This series of breakthroughs reveal a more global trend: a possible revolution in the Chinese shale gas sector. But in a country traditionally relying on conventional gas resources, how realistic is this “shale boom”?
A “coal to shale gas” switch?

The share of natural gas in China’s total energy consumption reached a modest 8% in 2019. However, this figure is expected to climb as a result of China’s strategy to move away from coal, resulting in rising industrial and residential gas consumption. One of the drivers of the rise in gas production is likely to be shale gas, which represented 6% of total gas production in the country in 2019.

Inspired by the fracking boom of the 2000s in the United States, China is eager to reproduce a similar trend domestically. Its proven
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and are the world’s largest shale gas reserves, according to the US Energy Information Administration. Being the second country in the world to achieve shale gas commercialization, China expects its shale gas production to grow in the coming years, and already plans a 34 billion cubic meters output in 2021. To do so, it will rely on its main asset: the Sichuan basin, where it has bet on doubling shale gas production through 2025.(cont)


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Well I think it is good that China got access to shale oil and gas. This gives them a buffer against oil shocks.
But it is a terrible waste of capital. Shale oil and gas are not economically net positive. They basically destroy enormous amounts of capital to provide some oil and gas at way above market price.


Registered Member
Well I think it is good that China got access to shale oil and gas. This gives them a buffer against oil shocks.
But it is a terrible waste of capital.
Shale gas is the best thing. China severely lacks energy security. Having domestic gas available is huge!