Chinese Economics Thread


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I read somewhere that most of China's gas and oil from fracking is in a earthquake area. While fracking might induce more earthquakes it also requires an intense amount of water.
I read a few years ago, some researchers tried to use detonation that commonly used in Nuclear bombs to shoot up the gas instead of using water.

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Registered Member
Why is that?
O-RAN is a software approach for 5G. While the rest of the world build hardware for 5G, the O-RAN way is to use software to use existing infrastructure to.enable 5G

While this might look logical to you, the software approach is hilariously bad because some estimates say that it will need millions and millions lines of code to make it work, and it would be full of vulnerabilities due to the complex software

IMO O-RAN is another way for the US companies to milk the government of billions of dollars without having to, shock!, manufacture anything and they can just use software lol


Registered Member
@Sincho totally agree and welcome to SDF bro, but it is already happening as @gelgoog had already posted, Digital Yuan is the future, Alipay and Wechat pay will fall under it and CHN gov't with supervise it. In the era of intense China and US competition, the first target will be financial, what holding them back is that they needed each other (financial MAD), its their Achilles Heel. Digital Yuan will be China way of breaking the deadlock and also an answer to American sanction. The calmness of CCP belied the plan action, the Rubicon haven't cross yet (Taiwan issue), if it does, it will devastated the American financial system, the American knows it and therefore the pressure for the Chinese to submit and compromised.
Nationalizing Alipay and Wechat pay is not good for their expansion overseas, but the Yankees will find an excuse to sanction them overseas sooner or later anyways. However, with the digitized rmb they will be able to break the $US hegemon. So given the choice between full financial system independence from the US system, and overseas expansion of Alipay and WeChat, the choice is clear. After they gained full financial independence, then Alipay and WeChat will have a better chance of overseas expansion.


Registered Member
Biden is full of bs. He just sanctioned Russia's ability to raise money by bonds (US financial institutions cant hold Russia's bet). Next step after this IMO, is a total ban on raising money by dollars

Biden has actually just declared economic war against Russia now. Give it some years and he will ban dollar bonds to them. Russia has only a few years available now (if Biden decides to fully sanction them).

I am expecting Putin to come to Xi for help. Time for China to finally get real influence in Central Asia and displace Russia from there
China will then pay for Russian natural gas and oil with rmb. Europe will pay for in Euro dollars. Internal circulation among China, Russia and Europe will be achieved without using $US. How stupid the Yankees are?


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Good news everyone! Looks like America and Japan are doubling down on O-RAN, which I can tell you right now is basically dumping money in a hole if they intend to compete with 5G/6G.

Good to see that some pressure is taken off Huawei now. ;)
Now a good excuse for China to sanction all Japan telecom, for siding with the enemy.


Registered Member
Well I think it is good that China got access to shale oil and gas. This gives them a buffer against oil shocks.
But it is a terrible waste of capital. Shale oil and gas are not economically net positive. They basically destroy enormous amounts of capital to provide some oil and gas at way above market price.
They just print some money for investment in this sector. Another way of internal circulation. As long as inflation remains low, it is okay to do that.


Junior Member
I didn't say anything about Russia holding US bonds. I said the US Financial institutions holding Russian sovereign bonds (attractive yield). These institutions are now banned from buying Russia's debt.
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Its not like the only investors in the world are American! Russia has long ago insulated itself including having bypasses to SWIFT for its domestic inter-bank clearing

It has, but there are still plenty of sanctions thats can be applied to damage Russia even more.

I think you have a point here, but I still think that Russia would need to raise cash. (Who knows what the US and the EU will do to force Russia to spend more money)
Conjecture, as Putin pointed out the European Sanctions cost Russia 50 billion but the EU 100 billion! The Crazy Ivans can outlast the West in that war of attrition!

Before you go with an oil embargo Russia as the 2nd largest producer will just send prices through the roof and with pipelines and trains to China it won't be much of an embargo

Agreed that China will cover Russia's back. However it will still require something. Maybe help for Taiwan or allow more Chinese influence in Central Asia.

There is no way that Xi will not help Putin. But there is also no way that Russia will get free help. Maybe very generous help but China will require some geopolitical help somewhere.

If China doesn't request anything in return then I would truly believe that China and Russia are very very close to an alliance and they have an unprecedented trust between them, we will see

That's the kind of BS transactional diplomacy the US conducts, If its cash the Russians need China can buy Russian bonds or extend the oil and gas barter agreement they have in place. If its manufacturing capacity then for example they can pay them for licenses for AL-41, S-400 etc and build them using the licensing deal as the financial offset, there are plenty of Chinese SoEs to do it that are immune to US Sanctions because they do no business with the West unlike their private enterprise counterparts!

That's why going after Russia and China at the same time is just bonkers, they must have smoked too much of the weed they've been legalising!

China's already signed up all of Central Asia to the B+R and invested heavily in Uzbekistan to offset their BCI cotton embargo, it has no Geopolitical ambitions in Central Asia because they understand win-win and buffer states what's the point in antagonising Russia when what they are after is access routes and trade neither of which Russia has a problem with.

Maybe it doesn't, maybe it does, but Biden might also try to force Russia's hand. If they start talking about accepting Ukraine into NATO then Russia would have to invade. There is also the water crisis in Crimea. Complex stuff

Ukraine in NATO been there tried that didn't go anywhere because no one in Europe wants a real fight with the Russians and no the Russians don't need to invade as I said there's a proxy war in place the Ukrainian forces have not been able to take back eastern Ukraine, the only way they can is with foreign boots on the ground, that's not going to happen because 80,000 Russian troops with home court advantage on the border says so!


Registered Member
Conjecture, as Putin pointed out the European Sanctions cost Russia 50 billion but the EU 100 billion! The Crazy Ivans can outlast the West in that war of attrition!
Sorry but thats not how it works mate. For Russia's economy, the 50 billion is a lot of money. But for the EU 100 billion is nothing because their collective GDP is around 18 Trillion dollars. For them they dont care so much.

And lets not forget that all these Russians have idiotically stored their wealth in the EU. Guess what, the second something happens, the EU will freeze these funds and say goodbye to the money and the companies.

There is just no way to fight this. The mistake was ultimately from Putin who allowed the corrupt Russians to move their wealth outside Russia, so that now these money can be frozen in EU banks..

Anyway, this is offtopic so I will stop here. If you want we can continue on the Breaking News World thread


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Sorry but thats not how it works mate. For Russia's economy, the 50 billion is a lot of money. But for the EU 100 billion is nothing because their collective GDP is around 18 Trillion dollars. For them they dont care so much.

Actually the EU lost about as much trade with Russia since as the total amount of trade they have with the US in a year.
So the idea that it did not cost the EU much is misguided.
Plus the loss of trade fell mostly on the countries which border Russia. The ones which were most in favor of the sanctions.
Since then Russia has increased their trade volumes with China by about the same amount as the trade they used to do with the EU.


Lieutenant General
I read somewhere that most of China's gas and oil from fracking is in a earthquake area. While fracking might induce more earthquakes it also requires an intense amount of water.
But most of the gas shale field is in sichuan no problem with water. Yes they pressurize the water to crack the earth allowing it gas to escape thru the crack. But water is the least problem. They also add chemical additives that could be harmful to Human
Gas shale is beneficial but not Oil shale since the shale oil field deplete rapidly say year or two and necessitate to explore more field and more capital. It just like the proverbial pony scheme
Unlike conventional oil field that can last decades
