*I* was referring to 2008; its aftermath was definitely a gigantic robbery of the people. The US billionaires rewarded themselves richly at the people's expense. Something similar could easily happen in China, if the billionaires become too strong.
LOLOLOL Do you see how long my post was? Everything was a point-to-point and completely rebutted what you had to say and your response to me quoted literally only, "We're not talking about 2008..." which is the least important part of everything I said. You said,
"How many trillions of dollars have been robbed from the American people in the last few years?"
There is no indication or reference to 2008 at all. I'm talking about how billionaires in tech industries bolster Chinese innovation and you're here suddenly trying to limit the scope to what (some) American billionaires did in 2008. It's irrelevent and pathetic.
And since you could not define your context of "leash" "curb" or "tackle," I'll ask you if you can even define what you meant by "too powerful." What does that mean? What specific change are you afraid to see in China's billionaires that they might become uncontrollable by the CCP?
Stop crapping on yourself; nobody else here thinks that just because you can't answer questions about your self-admittedly poorly-thought out proposal that those questions become "yapping." You've put more thoughtless repetitious verbal diarrhea here than anyone else and seeing the increasingly brief and empty responses, I can tell you regret getting into this conversation completely unprepared. I will continue this as long as you do and the only way to end your embarrassment is for you to stop.
So I mistyped "technological" as "technogical". You're going to waste everyone's time on that? Talk about losers making tiny criticisms.
Oh. My. Goodness. You are STUPID. Even your reading comprehension is crap now. I don't care about your spelling. The difference is that I said, "technological innovation" and you showed me overall innovation which is basically limited to the little gadgets that small businesses can make for everyday homes. They are not the technological innovations that megacorps make that run the world. That's obviously the take-way point for anyone who is literate. Read #17,551 again and see if you can get it this time; it's not that long so even someone like you should be able to handle it.