While it is true that any company should have a contingency plan to replace its leader when it needs to and Ren, being his age, has also surely laid out procedures for his departure (whether by planned retirement or more unfortunate circumstances), you cannot downplay the critical role of leadership. Scientists and workers are incredibly niche and most people can basically produce nothing useful themselves. It takes leaders with ambition and vision to guide them into a coherent entity. As far as I know, I cannot think of one successful company with incompetent leadership that can power ahead simply from the output of its workers. Usually, if the leader of a successful company departs and is replaced with someone who is incompetent, you can count the days before the company fades amongst its global competitors.Ren is just a cog in a vast machine fighting for Chinese tech dominance, the work is done by the workers within the economic entity known as Huawei. Ren's role is assessing reports and issuing orders, and we don't know how many orders are his own creation and how many are him following commands from the State. Regardless, his person is replaceable even if his role as chief order-giver might be irreplaceable. In fact, it would be unwise for any organization to not plan for redundancy of leadership.