You misrepresent me. I said that billionaires in China need to be curbed BECAUSE they are potentially the greatest source of corruption -- just as they are in the US.
You never defined what curbed means, even when asked multiple times. I thought you meant to strip them of their wealth and make it impossible to become wealthy beyond a certain point, but apparently, not. Essentially, you are saying nothing. I ask you again, what do you want to do with them?
You said, and I quote, "Those who waste time solving problems that don't exist", meaning that the billionaire/corruption problem does not exist.
LOLOLOL Don't add things you didn't say before. Corruption was never there; you just said billionaires, which means people like Ren Zhengfei fighting for Chinese tech dominance, and you want to "curb" him, whatever that means.
Then under pressure, you admitted that corruption does exist and is something that needs to be fought. You contradicted yourself.
Don't flatter yourself; you could never pressure me with your "I think we should curb billionaires but don't know what 'curb' means" literary diarrhea. I made no contradictions. You asked me about billionaires, and then tried to switch the word to suddenly mean corruption, which I and other members do not agree with. You ain't slick.
How else can the corruption problem be solved if its greatest cause, namely the billionaires, is not curbed?
Corruption is corruption and billionaires are billionaires. If you want to "curb" (a word you keep using but don't know the meaning of in your own context) corrupt billionaires who don't contribute back to society but rob it, of course everyone agrees. But if you just want to do something (that you cannot define because you didn't give much thought to it) to billionaires, then you are targeting the tech champs and start-ups that need that capital and need national support to fight on the global stage, and that's my gripe with you.
If China's government doesn't curb them now, they will grow far too strong to be curbed, and then the country will be doomed -- just as the US is probably doomed, in large part because of corruption.
The only thing that can "doom" the US is being surpassed by China; before China, the US was calm, composed, and the unchallenged in the world. But when China appeared and started growing at a much faster speed, the US got nervous and started fouling up its image. Despite this, America is still growing and still has all its vitality.
More of your short-sightedness.
More of your imaginary situations and blindness.
The US is indeed the most powerful country in the world -- and it is also riddled with corruption, and is obviously declining.
Declining compared to China because China is growing faster. But as an absolute, and in comparison to every other major country, the US is growing. If you think that the US is actually declining, then tell me by which parameters it is weakening. Is its military smaller/weaker/less advanced than it was yesterday? Is America becoming a less technologically-advanced nation compared to yesterday? Is its economy smaller (take away the COVID bump and get the long term trend)? No, none of it. America is not in decline; it is growing, but not as fast as China.
The same thing could happen to China, if the corruption problem isn't tackled right now, while the billionaires are not too strong.
So you changed the word from "curbed" to "tackled"? Can you define "tackled" instead? LOL I've never seen someone to confidently and ardently argue that he wants something that he does not know to be done.
I did suggest a possible solution: making billionaires totally open.
And what the hell does that mean? They need a GPS tracker in their necks that also records everything they hear, see, and say? Open to whom? If the boss of a tech company wants to put secret research into black projects to create products that he wants to suddenly drop on the market by storm and take out unprepared foreign competitors, is that supposed to be open information to the public as well?
Americans had the same foolish thought, that they could catch the crooks -- but how many trillions of dollars have been robbed from them in just the last few years?
They're not as foolish as people who think that America's in decline and China just needs to keep itself alive to harvest the carcass. Crooks might have made off with trillions of dollars but that same system also made America the growing and deadly superpower it is today.
And hey, check this out! This is back:
"when I do a point-to-point, I actually answer every point. You just ignored all the hard questions that you couldn't answer, picked a few sentences and responded to them in a way that does nothing except make it look like you're still carrying the conversation when you know you're talking on empty."