Chinese Economics Thread


Deleted member 15887


New EXG Rate levels: USD-CNY exchange rate has dropped to $1 USD = ¥6.43 RMB
At this level, China's Nominal GDP for 2020 would be over $16 Trillion USD


Lieutenant General
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The Trumpian excuse why China's economy is growing while everyone else's isn't is because of all this PPE China is selling is holding up the economy. So when COVID-19 has been handled, China's economy will collapse. Something as simple as rubber gloves and disposable masks can't be made by another country? They're giving a strategic advantage to China just because they won't make or get another friendlier country to make them for them...


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The Trumpian excuse why China's economy is growing while everyone else's isn't is because of all this PPE China is selling is holding up the economy. So when COVID-19 has been handled, China's economy will collapse. Something as simple as rubber gloves and disposable masks can't be made by another country? They're giving a strategic advantage to China just because they won't make or get another friendlier country to make them for them...

That's obviously a KN95 mask Marco Rubio is wearing as he gets his vaccine.



Registered Member
No one that doesnt know chinese will understand this.


Learn Chinese.

I see you already speak three languages. One more it'll do you good. Lol.

I'll give you a head start the top province is Guangdong down south (And this figures exclude Hong Kong and Macau).

The bottom province us Tibet. (And I can hear the MSM working overtime to paint this as a negative).