Chinese Economics Thread


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Isn't this socialism?
To me it seems more like bribing, buying votes from the farmers. Only to make Trump's image better for his election.
I wonder what non farmers Americans will think about this, it's tax payers money anyway.

Something weird,
In a late October campaign appearance in Omaha, Neb., President Donald Trump said he believed farmers were better off getting government payments than relying solely on their farming receipts.

“In fact, some people say our farmers do better now than when they actually had a farm,” he said.
So the gov paying the farmers to not solely rely on farming but to rely on gov paycheck. And to those farmers who lost their farms got better income without farms, who then will want to actually have farm?

Is this not a case against WTO Anti dumping agreement?


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Also developed countries already have established relations with other countries so like how Australia "threatens" to find others to buy their agricultural products... not so easy without disrupting those relations at usually another Western ally's expense. If it were so easily available, they would already be in that market. That's why new markets are more important than ever for Western countries. Australia was that stupid to think what...? Western allies were going to come in to protect them? Like I've been saying... the West will have to pay other countries their losses to not to do business with China. They won't even do that for a Western ally... And they forget how they screwed Japan when Japan did what Obama told them to take on China and it costed them trade and Japan went into recession and China did not and during that time Western allies swooped in to take advantage of Japan's loss not help Japan in buying those products China use to buy from them.
I only got here last year. When did this happen? Did Japan really do the same thing Australia is doing now?


Registered Member
RCEP in Asia. CAI with EU. Potential FTA with Africa eventually. China is a on a roll. The next 10 years will be crucial.
Hi Petrolicious88,

Trump and the American elites let this things happen. They had the chance to make a major deal which would enhance the US hands and may extend its dominance for a further decade or two rather than weaken it , instead their hubris blinded them and their so called allies seized the opportunity that should be hers.

In this coming decade 2025 will be a crucial year as a new Trump like administration will occupy the WH, here the Chinese and the US will be partially equal in strength. It's dangerous time for all of us cause the American will never allow itself to have a peer competitor. I think the Chinese themselves and the European knew it as they prepare for that eventuality. And knowing the generational changes of leadership happening in the US, were pragmatism had been replaced by nationalist ideologue. It's funny that within 50 years we seen both country switch role from China being dogmatic to pragmatic and the Americans from pragmatic to dogmatic......LOL :cool: :cool: :cool: what a world we lived in...LOL


Lieutenant General
I only got here last year. When did this happen? Did Japan really do the same thing Australia is doing now?
Remember the island disputes between Japan and China when Obama pushed for the Pivot to Asia? Japan listened and trade dropped like a rock between the two. Something like 70% of what Japan exported from China was actually Japanese companies that outsourced so it didn't really cost China except for the cheap labor Japan was paying Chinese to make their products. But Japan was hurt more because not only they didn't have their products to sell to make money, their exports to China were Japanese products that Chinese consumers bought and Japan went into a recession while China hardly felt a thing. The US and the West didn't come to help Japan but instead exploited Japan's misfortunate and tried fill any gaps in trade that Japan lost. The Japanese were so angry that later when Obama called for the US, Japan, South Korea to jointly take on China, Japan instead decided to piss-off South Korea effectively ending Obama's Pivot to Asia.


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Remember the island disputes between Japan and China when Obama pushed for the Pivot to Asia? Japan listened and trade dropped like a rock between the two. Something like 70% of what Japan exported from China was actually Japanese companies that outsourced so it didn't really cost China except for the cheap labor Japan was paying Chinese to make their products. But Japan was hurt more because not only they didn't have their products to sell to make money, their exports to China were Japanese products that Chinese consumers bought and Japan went into a recession while China hardly felt a thing. The US and the West didn't come to help Japan but instead exploited Japan's misfortunate and tried fill any gaps in trade that Japan lost. The Japanese were so angry that later when Obama called for the US, Japan, South Korea to jointly take on China, Japan instead decided to piss-off South Korea effectively ending Obama's Pivot to Asia.
This is where the white supremacist nature of the Anglosphere works against its interests: the anglosphere cultivates its society to be so anti asian that its people lack empathy for those of asian descent. Hence why even a victim of racism like Obama, could exhibit a lack of empathy towards asians, as a servant of white anglo supremacy.

However, observing the current predicament of white anglo Australia and american and european companies eating Australia's lunch, i am convinced that the anglosphere cannot help itself: it is greed and profits uber alles, as far as they are concerned.


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China bad, the uk and the mighty quad must unite to confront China
But we don't want no cold war and we must work with China
Lol at the contradiction, which one is it? Make up your mind dammit haha
That is cry for help.

Same point with the Biden administration coming.

They still push the party line that they will work with allies to contain China. The same allies who sign the RCEP first then the CAI second, and we still can count on one hand how many countries banned Huawei 5G.

The cry for help come from the Biden administration too.


Registered Member
It is a cry for help, what we read sometimes in the papers.

Cry it out baby! Cry it out loud! Sing it baby! Sing it! Loud! Louder!

Hi horse,

I'm a Beatles fan bro and appreciate we have same taste in music...hahaha. I like the strategy China is pursuing right now, letting one of their own fight each other. A lesson learned during the event in Tiananmen were a divided CCP almost lead to the collapse of China. And fortunately Deng is there as a unifier and stirred the country out of this mess.