Chinese Economics Thread


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Three Gorges Dam sets power generation record in 2020​

The Three Gorges Dam, the world's biggest hydroelectric plant in terms of installed capacity, generated 111.795 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in 2020, its operator announced, setting a new world record for annual power generation volume from a single hydropower station.

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This puts the Three Gorges Dam ahead of the previous record set by Brazil's Itaipu Dam.


Lieutenant General
All those neocon like Dan Blumenthal keep deluding themselves with the notion that China is fragile and with one little push and the house of card will crumble. Wonder why the Jew is ueber America? And they spread this little gospel or lie to the public. But David Goldman though no friend of China, he is realistic enough to see thru this lie Good article op/ed from Asia times
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We remain in a national state of denial over the magnitude of China’s challenge to us, and Blumenthal’s error-ridden account shows how hard it is to sustain this self-consoling fiction in the face of massive evidence to the contrary. It is high time to focus on what China does right rather than what it does wrong – and undertake to do it better.

Twenty years ago the George W. Bush Administration set out to remake the Islamic world in America’s image, and failed miserably. This is a failure-prone civilization we cannot fix no matter how hard we try. Now the same neo-conservatives want to weaken China, and have the inverse of the same problem: This is a 5,000-year-old civilization we cannot suppress, no matter how hard we try. We can only do better.


Senior Member
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All those neocon like Dan Blumenthal keep deluding themselves with the notion that China is fragile and with one little push and the house of card will crumble. Wonder why the Jew is more American and america itself. And they spread this little gospel or lie to the public. But David Goldman though no friend of China, he is realistic enough to see thru this lie Good article op/ed from Asia times
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We remain in a national state of denial over the magnitude of China’s challenge to us, and Blumenthal’s error-ridden account shows how hard it is to sustain this self-consoling fiction in the face of massive evidence to the contrary. It is high time to focus on what China does right rather than what it does wrong – and undertake to do it better.

Twenty years ago the George W. Bush Administration set out to remake the Islamic world in America’s image, and failed miserably. This is a failure-prone civilization we cannot fix no matter how hard we try. Now the same neo-conservatives want to weaken China, and have the inverse of the same problem: This is a 5,000-year-old civilization we cannot suppress, no matter how hard we try. We can only do better.
Believe it or not I used to work for Dan Blumenthal as an intern at American Enterprise Institute. Arrogant man, short, and has one of the biggest foreheads I have ever seen.

The other interesting about AEI besides the fact that they are an ultra conservative think tank, is they have this unwritten rule to only hire Ivy graduates. And every week, some liberal protesters would try to storm the lobby to protest about climate change or abortion.

Nobonita Barua

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All those neocon like Dan Blumenthal keep deluding themselves with the notion that China is fragile and with one little push and the house of card will crumble. Wonder why the Jew is ueber America? And they spread this little gospel or lie to the public. But David Goldman though no friend of China, he is realistic enough to see thru this lie Good article op/ed from Asia times
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We remain in a national state of denial over the magnitude of China’s challenge to us, and Blumenthal’s error-ridden account shows how hard it is to sustain this self-consoling fiction in the face of massive evidence to the contrary. It is high time to focus on what China does right rather than what it does wrong – and undertake to do it better.

Twenty years ago the George W. Bush Administration set out to remake the Islamic world in America’s image, and failed miserably. This is a failure-prone civilization we cannot fix no matter how hard we try. Now the same neo-conservatives want to weaken China, and have the inverse of the same problem: This is a 5,000-year-old civilization we cannot suppress, no matter how hard we try. We can only do better.
This is one of those typical American good cop bad cop article where he is playing good cop.

" We remain in a national state of denial over the magnitude of China’s challenge to us"

Really? What challenge? And why it has to be "to them"??
It's that typical "all about America" vibe article.


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E x a c t l y

To understand the American mind bubble, one must bear in mind that Protestant Christianity was / is a fusion of Roman imperial ideology and bloody Aramaic fantasies

and this particular fusion that fed the minds of the London ruling class ... has been renewed "Inside the Beltway" (1991 / 2000-) with new impetus

Those who are interested in these questions can start by reading a good introduction and nothing better than reading directly a couple of the sacred books of the West

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Lieutenant General
This is one of those typical American good cop bad cop article where he is playing good cop.

" We remain in a national state of denial over the magnitude of China’s challenge to us"

Really? What challenge? And why it has to be "to them"??
It's that typical "all about America" vibe article.

Well anything that can dethrone American hegemony and exception will be considered as threat. I do agree with the rising tide of radical Christianity with their concept of "chosen people' It will come naturally It always perplexed me why they turn to Christian fundamentalism in America.

I know about bible belt but it used to be only in south and less developed area of US but now it spread to north as well. Maybe because of wrenching structural change in the north with factory closing and boarded small town in the north people are looking for salvation since the government does not provide help during transition


Lieutenant General
Here is an excellent article on the role of religion in US good article
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The loneliness of American democracy drives us to embrace identity politics, Mitchell argues. Uniquely among American political writers, Mitchell perceives that it is the atomization of American society that drives the search for identity. To be American is to reinvent one’s identity, something that immigrants to America (or at least their children) must do, to shed the identity of the Old Country, wherever it is, and become an American. But a country of reinvented individuals is necessarily a “lonely crowd,” in the sociologist David Reisman’s phrase. Mitchell observes, “It has been long understood—as early as the 1830s, when Tocqueville wrote about it – that as we become more disconnected and our lives get smaller in the democratic age, the temptation to make distinctions between others and ourselves grows. When we are lost in the lonely crowd, we look for ways to distinguish ourselves. Our imagination wanders, and our pride demands more than numbing anonymity. Surely, we are more than a flickering soliloquy that emerges out of nothing and returns to the dust. In democracies, where there is never much difference between one citizen and another, and where in the nature of things they are so close that there is always a chance of their all getting merged.”

After this terrible sacrifice, America turned away from Lincoln, to the Social Gospel and complacency. It was shaken out of this complacency by the World Wars of the 20th century– two hot ones and a Cold War – and emerged in 1989 as the world’s only superpower. The emergence of evangelical Protestantism as a decisive force in American politics during the administration of Ronald Reagan and the great migration of Americans away from the mainline Protestant churches to the more enthusiastic evangelical movement might be considered a fourth Great Awakening

Now America finds itself in a quasi-religious awakening that, paradoxically, has turned the sensibilities of American Protestantism against America itself. The penchant of the Woke practitioners of identity politics for self-invention is a clownish parody of Christian self-invention, but it is practiced with equal passion. America began with a mandate for its citizens to reinvent themselves as Americans. It may end with Justice Anthony Kennedy’s declaration in the 2015 Obergefell decision, “The Constitution promises liberty to all within its reach, a liberty that includes certain specific rights that allow persons, within a lawful realm, to define and express their identity.”


Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
The real reason for identity politics is voter apathy. People are less and less likely to pay attention to politics nor vote. Politicians have to find something to rile up the voter base to get them to vote.