Chinese Economics Thread


Registered Member
I wasn't sure where to post this so I'm posting it here

People in China actually believe the future is bright and they have the ability to shape government actions. Anyway this article is "straight from the horse's mouth". Is Bloomberg now really a paid CCP actor? :)

Seems like everyone is so jaded with COVID, there's a slightly more positive tone on China. Or not positive, but less negative. Still, it's surprising to see some neutrality.

"However, even 40% of those living in bona fide democracies (those countries classified as “free” by Freedom House) believe that their country is not, in fact, democratic."
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Nobonita Barua

Senior Member
Registered Member
I wasn't sure where to post this so I'm posting it here

People in China actually believe the future is bright and they have the ability to shape government actions. Anyway this article is "straight from the horse's mouth". Is Bloomberg now really a paid CCP actor? :)

Seems like everyone is so jaded with COVID, there's a slightly more positive tone on China. Or not positive, but less negative. Still, it's surprising to see some neutrality.

"However, even 40% of those living in bona fide democracies (those countries classified as “free” by Freedom House) believe that their country is not, in fact, democratic."
The people can always shape government's action as well as government can shape people's behaviour to the best interest of country. Both government & people is accountable for their actions to the laws. The country must comes first. Participation on basis of capacity should be the key.

Government can't oppress people for sole sake of keeping power.
People can't make unreasonable demands.

I ain't sure America was ever was a democracy, or any system for that fact. They have been searching for illusion that only exists in their fantasy.
I would describe US as an entity with 350 million shareholders. Take the wealth of Native America out , US will turn into a massive continent of cannibalism.


Registered Member
I wasn't sure where to post this so I'm posting it here

People in China actually believe the future is bright and they have the ability to shape government actions. Anyway this article is "straight from the horse's mouth". Is Bloomberg now really a paid CCP actor? :)

Seems like everyone is so jaded with COVID, there's a slightly more positive tone on China. Or not positive, but less negative. Still, it's surprising to see some neutrality.

"However, even 40% of those living in bona fide democracies (those countries classified as “free” by Freedom House) believe that their country is not, in fact, democratic."
China is democratic because the government bas to be accountable to its 1.4 billion ambitious people

Our culture has very low tolerance for bullshit


Lieutenant General
Well as they say, running China is like getting on a tiger. Once you start the ride, you better hold on for dear life! Unpopular politicians in China have always had the most unfortunate endings!
It is called Tianming or mandate of heaven The west always deride China and chinese as sheep but they just ignorant and does not know Chinese history There is obligation on both side the ruler has to use the power for the good of of the people and the people support the ruler with Tax and corvee labor in the old days But anyone who deviate from this bargain can be removed and it happened periodically thru Chinese history

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(Tianming), also known as Heaven’s Mandate, was the divine source of authority and the right to rule of
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’s early kings and emperors. The ancient god or divine force known as Heaven or Sky had selected this particular individual to rule on its behalf on earth. An important element of the mandate was that although the ruler had been given great power he also had a moral obligation to use it for the good of his people, if he did not then his state would suffer terrible disasters and he would lose the right to govern.

Mencius pointed out that "Heaven does not create people for the sake of the sovereign. Heaven made the sovereign for the sake of the people" (in Dawson, 8). The ruler must, therefore, at all times be guided by the principle of benevolence or jen. He is both the mother and father of the people. Further, if there were suitable omens such as floods and droughts and the ruler was proving less capable of fulfilling his mandate than he ought to have been, then Mencius considered it legitimate for the people, if not actually to overthrow their ruler and find a new one, then at least to show their disapproval through rebellion and protest.

King Wen of Zhou


Registered Member
Well I think we proudly take first place in that.
Ask Both zia ur Rahman & sheikh mujib if you don't believe me
I used to think death by boiling was in China, but seems like it was more in Japan and Europe. Sounds like a terribly painful way to go. But there were all kinds of gruesome medieval punishments back then in China & elsewhere.


Junior Member
you can't stop this oncoming train. And it'll hurt.
Not all the train will come, most of it will backfire, and it will hurt a little but hurt a lot to USA and her friends. AND how long they will be able to be hurt ???? You just see the first part, that China only in defend state, you never imagine if China take the offensive one.
China doesn't have to concede or give up a single thing.
ZTE ? Bytedance ? Not concede anything???? Did you really never read anything about them ? How much they pay you to say that in ZTE case China don't concede anything?


Junior Member
Registered Member
DHS is warning users not to buy TCL TV due to potential backdoors that can access user data.

China’s strength comes from its economy. From banning Huawei, ZTE, DJI, and hundreds of other Chinese companies, the US is trying to choke off sources of Chinese revenue.

And this is why narrative and soft power is critical. Because the reasoning for the US ban is centered on how the CCP can steal people’s data.

China needs to come up with a better narrative to counter these accusations. Worse still, even when China is trying to tell the truth, many consumers don’t believe it due to state control of journalism in China.
There is only so much China can do to improve the situations until the US, Australia, Great Britain/ West ,are willing to stop containing China. They need to be willing to work with China for a better future. Unfortunately they seemed to have boxed themselves in.