Chinese Economics Thread


I said China doesn't have to concede on a single thing, and it's surrender? Why is everything surrender? If I said China should conquer the whole world and enslave all whites, you would say it's surrender. This is unreasonable. Why can't China even make one iota of movement towards improving relations with another country? Why is this so anathema?
Who started the trade? US. Who banned Huawei? the US and Australia. Who sanctioned almost every major Chinese tech companies? US.

Basically, you are telling me that the West wants to destroy China and China shouldn't do a thing because if China tried to fight back, then the West would destroy China.


@gadgetcool5 First of all, how come every time you talk, all the Chinese people wanna throw up? I just had a nice dinner...
I'm telling you guys man, this is just the beginning. The West will use every tool in its arsenal to attack China. Intellectual, moral, economic, military, soft power, hard power, you name it. It will not stop until China is Iraq/North Korea and the entire world is convinced Chinese people have horns sprouting out of their heads. This if it does not militarily attack China. You can reply to me and make arguments against my points and circle jerk amongst yourselves but you can't stop this oncoming train. And it'll hurt.

I plead with China, I beg China, to improve relations with the West before it is too late. China doesn't have to concede or give up a single thing. Simply not doing any new provocative actions beyond what it has already done would go a great deal. Simply maintaining and upholding its current positions and stances would improve relations with the West tremendously over the long run.
Only Chinese force and hard power can stop the oncoming train. Pleading and begging is all you know how to do. The world does not listen to beggars, not China, and not the West. China will aggressively pursue its own interests and achieve its goals by hard power as you moan, cry, and beg random entities on the internet. China has no place for beggars, only warriors (figuratively).
I said China doesn't have to concede on a single thing, and it's surrender? Why is everything surrender? If I said China should conquer the whole world and enslave all whites, you would say it's surrender. This is unreasonable. Why can't China even make one iota of movement towards improving relations with another country? Why is this so anathema?
It's surrender because you said it. When we say things, nothing's surrender. Did you say China should conquer the world? No, you said China should please the West and the only way to do that is obviously to cripple itself. That's surrender and it's unreasonable. China will not make one iota of movement towards the self-harm that you suggest. It is anathema for reasons that hanjian cannot comprehend so stop trying.
I spend a huge amount of time bringing the Chinese perspective to the West and telling Westerners to be less antagonistic towards China. But I need some help from China's actions as well. Both sides need to calm down and think rationally, not emotionally, win-win cooperation benefits both sides.
You waste your time and you will get no help. Hanjian deserve none. There is no win-win with the US, only zero sum game where China will win.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
I spend a huge amount of time bringing the Chinese perspective to the West and telling Westerners to be less antagonistic towards China. But I need some help from China's actions as well. Both sides need to calm down and think rationally, not emotionally, win-win cooperation benefits both sides.
There is no gain to work with the self-destructive death cult that is western liberalism.


Lieutenant General
I was arguing with an Australian woman on twitter. She made some comment on a tweet to that story trying to connect Chinese cities having electricity shortages to the banning Australian coal claiming China was cutting its nose to spite its face with its trade actions against Australia. I replied no it's the other way around. She was incensed and demanded an explanation. I told her is coal only found in Australia? China can find other sources. She replied that Australia can find other countries to sell to. I said then why is Australia complaining? If they can easily find another market that they can count on to replace China, why so angry? She had no other arguments after that. It's that simple and she obviously believing and was just reading the Western spin how everyone needs them and they need no one else. Of course they want and rather believe that because it puts the West in the power position and they rather believe the lie than the truth. Australia isn't the US. Where are Australia's allies to buy everything Chinese aren't in support? They're going to buy some Australian wine. If wine is everything, why are they still complaining? Where's all the barley they're going to buy from Australia? Where's the beef? They act like the West has endless amounts of money. Then Australia should be easy to support. But now they think they can get the world to not do business with China. Crazy as it sounds the only reason they think they can accomplish this is because they think China still has to buy from them normally or even more as if it were some law. They aren't going to pay countries for their losses from China not buying their products in response to going along with the West's isolation of China even though they have "endless" amounts of money like they believe. That's selfish.

They dare not say its name because they know they can't spin it in their favor. It's all about their greed. That's why despite claiming how they don't need China, why are they still bothering? That's why don't believe anything where they threaten to isolate China. They can't isolate China because China exists therefore they need to be control. Yes China is the greatest threat to the West simply because it exists meaning there's an alternative they can't hide from the world so they cannot claim there way is the only way. They can't show their way is best. They have to blind the world from seeing any other way to fool them into doing it their way. It can't stand by its own merits. Don't forget the coronavirus pandemic example. The US and Great Britain were suppose to be number one and two at best handling outbreaks. If the world did it their way, they would still be number one and two but vastly multiple times more deaths in the world because everyone would've done it their way never knowing there were better alternatives and they would've been completely fine with that outcome. Just remember that British public figure that one member here posted his twitter who said he wanted China to be forced into democracy so that more Chinese could die from coronavirus. And these are the good guys...?


Registered Member
I was arguing with an Australian woman on twitter. She made some comment on a tweet to that story trying to connect Chinese cities having electricity shortages to the banning Australian coal claiming China was cutting its nose to spite its face with its trade actions against Australia. I replied no it's the other way around. She was incensed and demanded an explanation. I told her is coal only found in Australia? China can find other sources. She replied that Australia can find other countries to sell to. I said then why is Australia complaining? If they can easily find another market that they can count on to replace China, why so angry? She had no other arguments after that. It's that simple and she obviously believing and was just reading the Western spin how everyone needs them and they need no one else. Of course they want and rather believe that because it puts the West in the power position and they rather believe the lie than the truth. Australia isn't the US. Where are Australia's allies to buy everything Chinese aren't in support? They're going to buy some Australian wine. If wine is everything, why are they still complaining? Where's all the barley they're going to buy from Australia? Where's the beef? They act like the West has endless amounts of money. Then Australia should be easy to support. But now they think they can get the world to not do business with China. Crazy as it sounds the only reason they think they can accomplish this is because they think China still has to buy from them normally or even more as if it were some law. They aren't going to pay countries for their losses from China not buying their products in response to going along with the West's isolation of China even though they have "endless" amounts of money like they believe. That's selfish.

They dare not say its name because they know they can't spin it in their favor. It's all about their greed. That's why despite claiming how they don't need China, why are they still bothering? That's why don't believe anything where they threaten to isolate China. They can't isolate China because China exists therefore they need to be control. Yes China is the greatest threat to the West simply because it exists meaning there's an alternative they can't hide from the world so they cannot claim there way is the only way. They can't show their way is best. They have to blind the world from seeing any other way to fool them into doing it their way. It can't stand by its own merits. Don't forget the coronavirus pandemic example. The US and Great Britain were suppose to be number one and two at best handling outbreaks. If the world did it their way, they would still be number one and two but vastly multiple times more deaths in the world because everyone would've done it their way never knowing there were better alternatives and they would've been completely fine with that outcome. Just remember that British public figure that one member here posted his twitter who said he wanted China to be forced into democracy so that more Chinese could die from coronavirus. And these are the good guys...?
They want to have our cake, and eat it too


"the engineer"
I spend a huge amount of time bringing the Chinese perspective to the West and telling Westerners to be less antagonistic towards China. But I need some help from China's actions as well. Both sides need to calm down and think rationally, not emotionally, win-win cooperation benefits both sides.
You meet on saying that, but I see no proof of it. Could you show me a link of this in another forum?


Junior Member
Registered Member
Who started the trade? US. Who banned Huawei? the US and Australia. Who sanctioned almost every major Chinese tech companies? US.

Basically, you are telling me that the West wants to destroy China and China shouldn't do a thing because if China tried to fight back, then the West would destroy China.

If you want to maintain good relationship, then you ought to cut a piece of yourself every time I make a demand.


Lieutenant General
Now who has the last laugh. China economy is booming there is shortage of worker right now. wages has shot up still they can't entice worker since most of them found job closer to home. Tariff or no tariff China is winning the trade war That is the ultimate soft power!

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As China’s coronavirus rebound gathers steam, export-oriented manufacturers struggle to find workers​

  • Factories in China’s south and east are struggling to find enough workers to fill surging export orders thanks to strong demand in Western countries
  • The uptick in orders is proving a double-edged sword for many manufacturers, driving up wages and in some case forcing them to delay shipments

A sharp rebound in China’s manufacturing in recent months, spurred on by surging demand for exports in the West, has caused labour shortages in the country’s south and east, with many factory owners scrambling to keep pace with overseas orders.
Employers are offering higher wages to entice migrant workers back from their hometowns, but analysts say the shortfall in employees is likely to last well into next year.
China’s exports surged at the fastest pace in almost three years in November, the sixth consecutive month of growth, with manufacturers continuing to capitalise on coronavirus restrictions elsewhere in the world.



Registered Member
I'm telling you guys man, this is just the beginning. The West will use every tool in its arsenal to attack China. Intellectual, moral, economic, military, soft power, hard power, you name it. It will not stop until China is Iraq/North Korea and the entire world is convinced Chinese people have horns sprouting out of their heads. This if it does not militarily attack China. You can reply to me and make arguments against my points and circle jerk amongst yourselves but you can't stop this oncoming train. And it'll hurt.

I plead with China, I beg China, to improve relations with the West before it is too late. China doesn't have to concede or give up a single thing. Simply not doing any new provocative actions beyond what it has already done would go a great deal. Simply maintaining and upholding its current positions and stances would improve relations with the West tremendously over the long run.
Disagree because the defining moments in our times will not just be America versus China.

The rise of the global south will alter the power relationships in the world.

The coming next decades will not be a repeat of the Warsaw Pact staring at NATO with different actors.

Europe will wholeheartedly support the BRI, because that develops the global south. If the global south gets richer, they will not be flooding into Europe as migrants, economic or otherwise.

As for China versus America. In 10 to 15 years time, the Chinese economy will be double the size of the United States economy.

That means whatever corporation that is inside China, will see their China operations double too. Who will desert that willingly?

Absolutely no one. Not even American corporations.

The United States strategy towards China at the moment is just nothing, but gigantic bluff.