Chinese Economics Thread


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China will torture australia slowly
next that will be hit will be vitamins, honey, fruits because these can be easily sourced from other countries
Each week, new cut this week its lamb

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Lets see how long can australia endure the death by thousands cuts torture
But i expect them to be hardheaded and even double down which is sad australia will be needlessly poorer, jobs will be lost
It makes me remember lee kuan yew warning "be careful or you will be the poor white trash of Asia”

I would have banned Aussie wool over lamb as I think there are more markets for lamb. and China is the ONLY buyer of Aussie wool at the moment. Because of Covid Italy and India are not buying.
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Senior Member
Man China shouldnt do the meats n basic foods, just do the luxury goods and scam undergrad degrees.

No more tourism to australia from now on.

I agree with you milk and meat should be excluded from sanctions but this particular lamb meat processor from australia their staffs got infected with covid so China got an excuse in banning their lamb
And vitamin supplements are just scam, research shows you better off eating real foods to get your vitamins and with honey, nz honey is much better quality with their manuka honey and nz don't go out their way to antagonize China
I have feeling if belt and road deal with victoria government get scrapped by canberra then China will really pull the rugs on international students and tourism


Registered Member
Appreciate your reply, because you are the first person anywhere that I have read, in the media or chat forums, to actually put forth an objective.

Everyone else says some vague idea something has to be done.

When they say something has to be done, such as it is urgent, but there is no follow through on what actually will be done, we can fully assume nothing will be done.

It is like a TV show or real life where people threaten to sue someone else, then never do it of course. Once you hear, I am going to sue you, then we already know it will never happen.

This western coalition is coming to sue China.

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If this was Australia, then Australia is coming to sue China (which they have indicated that they will take their case to the WTO courts). They will sue China, so that China will buy more of their stuff.

That is why this is not going to work IMHO this coalition. It will just be the same show as the Trump years, which lead to nothing changing.

Hi horse,

A really good summary,

They didn't understand China at all, you can see the present quality of western politician and their arrogance, a creation of corporate media, all boisterous claim no strategic thinking. ex: A Gunboat diplomacy 2.0, as suggested by a British politician.


Lieutenant General
Not sure why the Western media still haven't reported this. I think it is due the Western media constantly claims that Meng is engaging with the US for pledge bargaining. Meng Wanzhou finally made an official response.
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Through a team of lawyers, Meng Wanzhou pointed out in a series of statements to the public that if the "three demands" are not met, she would rather continue to confine in prison in the United States or Canada.

The three demands made by Meng Wanzhou include unconditional release, public apology, and compensation for emotional distress and financial losses.

The US offers plea deals to save face for itself. Just like Wen Ho Lee the US government had no case but they could make it difficult for him by lengthening the pain for him for having to deal with it. He plead guilty with no time in prison because the US can spin and tell the American people they were right all along and that's what they did.

For this case, Meng can plead guilty but China doesn't have to release the two Canadians so I'm sure they're trying to deal with Beijing also. Unlike Wen Ho Lee, Meng has Beijing as her advocate so I don't think it will be as easy since Meng pleading guilty means China was guilty. They're not going to release Meng with no guarantee the two Canadians get released too.


Good girl, that's her father's spirit right there!

If Meng were to mysteriously perish, so too will a lot of american and canadian politicians and spymasters. Pompeo might accidentally trip in the shower and cut his own head off in a shaving accident and Ivanka Trump might actually commit suicide with two bullet holes in the back of her head and tie herself up in a bag.



Registered Member
The US offers plea deals to save face for itself. Just like Wen Ho Lee the US government had no case but they could make it difficult for him by lengthening the pain for him for having to deal with it. He plead guilty with no time in prison because the US can spin and tell the American people they were right all along and that's what they did.

For this case, Meng can plead guilty but China doesn't have to release the two Canadians so I'm sure they're trying to deal with Beijing also. Unlike Wen Ho Lee, Meng has Beijing as her advocate so I don't think it will be as easy since Meng pleading guilty means China was guilty. They're not going to release Meng with no guarantee the two Canadians get released too.

I think China just signal that the 2 michaels will not see sunlight again until " The three demands made by Meng Wanzhou include unconditional release, public apology, and compensation for emotional distress and financial losses. "


Lieutenant General
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So... Do they think One Belt One Road will fall apart without them? The only reason why Western countries joined is so they can get guaranteed contracts to build infrastructure in other countries without worrying over default. They were expecting to make more than what they invested so how does China lose? Did they invest the majority of the money? No.