Australia's insecurity is understandable, but misplaced and will only work to undermine its security. Working with China is the best way to remain safe and prosperous in the region. Australia and Australians get enormously nervous when they see signs of "Chinese influence" in their country, and see everything as somehow controlled or related to the CCP. It's become a paranoia by this point. With this kind of irrational fear, it's only going to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Accept that China's going to have its fair share of influence over Australia, and make peace with that fact. Neither China nor the CCP is interested in changing the political regime of Australia, what for? As long as China could continue to access cheap Australian primary resources, there's no reason why it wants to change Australia, or any country's political system for that matter.
China only asks others to not want to change its own regime, is that a big ask? For the US and countries like Australia, they seem unable to accept that China, a country with a different race, history, religious outlook, and regime, can be successful and prosperous, and this is a threat to them, why? Who said that Caucasian, Christian, Western liberal capitalist democracies are the only path for mankind and only countries which fit this description can be No.1?