Chinese Diplomat accosted by Houston TX police


Please correct me if I am wrong, the embassy, the consulate and the embbasy official cars constitute the national sovereign territory of that country, that is why the law of the host country has no jurisdition inside these compounds. But does the law of the guest country apply? Does law of USA applied inside US Embassy?

So in the case of Romanian diplomat, does the law of Romania applied for his negligent acts? same for the Chinese consulate? I hope some one can give us some light. Thank you.


Banned Idiot
Please don't even get me started with the state of laws in Singapore and the voting issue. I don't think you live in Singapore, if so, you would not even have stated the last statement.

Singapore primarily is dominated only by 1 party - People Action Party, although we do have some other parties... but they are too weak and lack any useful talents to run the country. Actually you can see it in the vote percentage in every election - whooping 60+ to 80% in favour of PAP... which country, I dare ask have this type of loop sided vote.

So, yeah... voting for a new government is out of the question...

I am just displease with the current immunity type of shit that is happening all around the world. Thats all.

My friend, no offense intented... I am not just against the Chinese case... and I know that embassy vehicle would not be stop if they have the correct identification.

What I am piss off about is the immunity rules of these diplomat. I know there is nothing anyone can do about it... because it is the law. But that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.

I mean we don't just look at things in a uni-direction and accept it as it is. We look at it in a bigger picture. Of course if there are urgent business for the consulat or diplomat for him to be rushing off to some places, any rules broken (except for grievous one) could be overlook. If they are just out having fun and returning back, I do hardly think it is fair for the citizens of the state to just let them break laws, rules, whatever.

But as of such... nothing can be done. Of course we can expell these people out of the country, but what is that gonna do if they actually done harms to our citizens?

That is why in my first post, I am asking did US lodge a formal complaints to China.

Actually that is not only for this case, but other case. My post is more general than just linking it to specific cases...

As for the Romania-Singapore hit and run case that I have quote... well... the diplomat actually left Singapore, that we know, and was fired by Romania. But that is about it. What about those that had been killed in the accident? Is there any compensation? The evidence are overwhelming that it is a hit-and-run case, but it occurred during the time when that Romanian fellow is a diplomat and is actually immune to law. So there is nothing we could do.

Even if the family of the dead have gotten the compensation from insurance claim under Romania's embassy, but the main thing is that there are no punishable act to the offender.

And MasterKhan, you are correct in one thing, which is very disturbing...

Don't you think what you said there, somehow confirmed that the embassy and consulat building, or the property or asset of these embassies had somehow, sooner or later, becoming the safehouse for criminals?

From the posts we've read that came from Rhino all this time, we can tell he's the moderate type.
In this thread, on more than one occasion he's came out to state that his frustration is toward the system itself as a whole, not tackling this specific case nor against China.
Therefore, I see his stance as against the system itself, and I agree that is unfair.
As for this case, up to this moment, have we yet to find out the truth to what happened, such as diplomat's actions and the validity of it. Either way, the actions of the Houston police are wrong and they have messed with the wrong people this time. Let's put it, the karma for all those years of feeding the habit of being rough and bigotry is beginning to catch up, but unfortunately it only occurred due to the exceptional nature of the event and the status of the victim.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Please correct me if I am wrong, the embassy, the consulate and the embbasy official cars constitute the national sovereign territory of that country, that is why the law of the host country has no jurisdition inside these compounds. But does the law of the guest country apply? Does law of USA applied inside US Embassy?

So in the case of Romanian diplomat, does the law of Romania applied for his negligent acts? same for the Chinese consulate? I hope some one can give us some light. Thank you.

Yes, within the embassy, the guest country's law applied to their own people... actually I think the diplomat are subjected to their country's law. However the biggest problem here is that since any case actually happen within the host country, and no trial could be hold against the diplomat, there really is nothing anyone could do.

And most country will tends to protect their own diplomats more (which might be understandable), thus for the Romania case, although, it is widely agreed due to all the testamonies, evidences, etc that was present, no one can do anything to the guilty party and as long as there is no trail, he is not officially guilty of anything.


Junior Member
I understand your frustration, and I believe the Romanian diplomat should be properly punished somehow.
I would like to remind you that the Vienna Convention is reached through a popular decision, in other words most people support it, with relatively sound reasons.
It's true that some people will feel victimized but that's all part of democracy, sacrificing the minority for the majority.


Lieutenant General
The only people saying something like there was a car chase pursuit are the blind defenders of the Houston police department not the police or the city of Houston themselves. It says alot that the only statements from the police officer's union is a generalized statement that the officers were doing there duty and did not do anything wrong. They never said that the Chinese diplomat blatantly violated the law. As with other police brutality cases you would see the police officer's union state their case especially if the person filing the complaint against them was the one endangering lives. If the police were in a high speed chase with the diplomat, that would've been stated but it wasn't. The generalized canned statement they gave speaks volumes. They aren't going admit guilt since their jobs maybe on the line. If the diplomat was endangering lives with this supposed getaway he was attempting, the Mayor of Houston would not have told the consulate general that it was a regrettable situation. She's obviously walking a fine line where she doesn't want offend the gung-ho voters who support the police no-matter what. If the diplomat was the villain, she wouldn't have hesitated to pick a side in order to garner votes and make a big deal about the foreigner flaunting the law and endangering lives. The reality is everyone recognizes that a diplomat was arrested and injured over a missing license plate. And after they lecture China about human rights, does a missing license plate call for that type of action?

And think about this... all the diplomat had to do was flash his diplomatic ID and the officers would have had to let him go regardless that a license plate was missing off the car. So why bother unless there was a simple misunderstanding instead of this in-your-face-you-police-pig attitude that some seem to believe happened. So because other diplomats have killed people irresponsibly, it's all right to take it out on this Chinese diplomat with a missing license plate on his car. And people don't understand why China has to have nukes.
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Junior Member

I understand what you are saying---but if it wasn't for the immunity---any nation would be like being in a jail for the embassy staff----. How would they be able to run their clandestine affairs from the host country---there would not have been any other way.

The romanian killing for people in singapore must be tried---either under the romanian law or the singapore law.